Summer Time Part 2

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I had so much fun at the Malfoy manor. All the Malfoys are nice to me, but I can see why everyone is a bit anxious around them.

Apparently my mother decided that the Malfoys should come over for dinner before Draco stays here for 2 weeks.

I'm glad I have grown, my curves are starting to smoothen out (no idea if that makes sense 🖤), and my bust has gotten a little bigger.

Draco has changed too, he's much taller, his voice has definitely deepened and he no longer gels his hair.

I did tell him it looks better when it wasn't gelled back.

"Sweetie it's time to why ready, they will be here soon!" My mother shouts up to me.

"Ok mum!" I answer and got off my bed to change into dinner with posh people ready clothes.

-Mini time skip brought to you by werewolves-

I got changed and did my hair, all with magic of course.

A quick check in the mirror, to approve of my appearance, and I headed out the door.

Coming down the stairs I could hear mother opening the door and greeting the Malfoys.

"(Y- oh you are already down!" My mother gleamed happily.

I shook Lucius' hand and gave Narcissa a friendly hug. Draco gave me an awkward side hug, like normal.

"Now us adults have some....important things to discuss, why don't you kids go upstairs," mother looked over at the Malfoys with a serious face, then gently smiled at me and Draco.

I shrugged and began walking back upstairs, with Draco tagging behind.

"Dinner should be ready shortly" she called up.

Once me and Draco got to my room, I held the door open for him.

"So, what do you want to do?" I asked him, flopping down on to my bed.

He stayed standing up, observing my room, casually picking bits up to examine them, before putting them back.

"Dunno, we could play a game" he suggested, deciding to sit on the end of my bed.

"Like a board game?" I sat up and began to think of the board games that I had in my room.

"That, or truth or dare" he smirked.

I gulped, the last time we played truth or dare, I had to tell Snape I found his lessons stupid and boring.

"Fine" I said after hesitating, "I'll start, truth or dare"

He thought about it for a moment before answering, "Truth"

'Hmmm what have always wanted to know about Draco?'

"Do you have a crush, if so who is it?" I grinned somewhat evilly. His cheeks started to show shades of pink.

"No one, people just have crushes on me" he smirked to cover his blush.

"Mhmmmmmmm" before I could pressure him into telling he truth, "truth or dare?"

"Dare!" I prefer dares to truths, only cause I hate telling people the truth, especially if it's personal.

"I dare you go to listen to our parents conversation"

"What? Why?" I don't care what my mum has to say to the Malfoys.

Draco just shrugged, "are you too chicken?" He laughed at his own.....can I call it an insult?

"Fine" I got off my bed and out my room. I had to make sure no noise was made when coming down the stairs.

I could hear some voices in the living room, it was my mother, and she sounded....distressed?

Carefully I put my ear to the door, and listened.

"I don't know Lucius, my husband may not like it"

"Trust me (M/n), this is what he wants for (Y/N)" I could hear that he was getting annoyed, but isn't stupid enough to yell at her.

"Mother he's right, we know what's going to happen, and this way we can assure she's safe"

"See, and it won't happen until they leave Hogwarts, at eighteen years of age"

I heard mother sigh, giving into what they were saying.

"Alright, fine Lucius, but if Tom doesn't like it, we call it off!"

I quickly ran up the stairs, back to my room.

'What were they talking about?, what's going to happen? What has this got to do with me being safe?' All these questions were slamming against my brain, giving me a headache.

When I got to my room, I saw Draco peeking in my draws.

"Find something interesting?" I smirk when I startled him.

"N-no" he took a quick peek, "there's nothing interesting in there, it's my pants draw"

He quickly shut it, with his face turning red. "So what did you find out?" He asked me, sitting on the bed.

Sitting down next to him, I told him about everything I heard.

He just looked like his was in deep thought, "has your father mentioned anything about this to you?" He shook his head, "no, but he does keep asking me questions about you" he blushes again, but I'm guessing not from embarrassment.

"What sort of questions?" I'm sure if he really wanted to know something, he could just write me a letter, or my mother.

"If I would save your life" he said casually, lying down.

"And...would you?" Turning to look at him, I saw that his eyes were closed as he quickly answered, "of course, you're my best friend!"

I don't know why, my that sentence hurt, like a dagger was just thrown at my chest and lodged itself into my heart.

"Same" I fake smiled, 'this is going to be a long two weeks'

-Time skip brought to you by time travel-

The morning before school, I ran downstairs to see breakfast on the table and mother reading the newspaper.

"Good morning kitten!" She said in her cheery voice as I sat down and dove into my (f/b/f). (Favourite breakfast food 🖤)

"Goof moreing" I stated, as much as I could with my mouth full of food.

Looking up at the front cover of the paper, Escaped from Azkaban!.
Sirius Black has escaped! Finally, he talked about how he was going to escape one day and kill the one who had betrayed him and his friends.

Suddenly knocks came from the door, mother got up to answer it, with me following in tow.

When she opened the door, the minister was there, as well as two others, I'm guessing from the ministry.

"(M/n) Riddle, you are under arrest under the suspicion of assisting mass murderer Sirius Black!"


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