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Yes! Today is Halloween, apart from Christmas, my favourite holiday!!
It sucks I have to go to lessons today, otherwise I would of helped the twins prank people!

Yes I know the twins! I love helping them out in their pranks, it's so entertaining. I so got Malfoy when I made his hair gel turn his hair pink!

Right now I was in potions, with Malfoy, Zabini and me in the middle.
"Have you too made up?" He asked with a high level of amusement. "As a matter of fact we did Zabini" I replied looking down at my book, doodling.

"Ha Malfoy, did ya kiss her to make her forgive you like you said you would" he laughed causing me to stop drawing and my face went as red as Weasley's hair

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"Ha Malfoy, did ya kiss her to make her forgive you like you said you would" he laughed causing me to stop drawing and my face went as red as Weasley's hair.

"Shut up Zabini! I didn't say that at all" Draco whisper shouted with his cheeks burning a rosy colour. Oh M goodness (hehehe 🖤) THE Draco Lucius Malfoy is blushing hahaha - only one thing is bad about that, he's blushing over me! Why me!? I'm the last person he would have a crush on, not that I wouldn't date him, I just don't fancy by being killed by pugface in the most gruesome way possible!

Snape burst through the doors in his usual manor, although he seems more pissed off than normal today, great...

"Everyone will be quiet for the remainder of the lesson, you will follow the instructions to make the forgetfulness potion!" He snapped and immediately everyone started working, yup he's definitely pissed. He's probably been pranked since it's Halloween, but who would dare prank Snape? I shudder at the thought. I liked Snape but he can be intimidating...

-Time skip brought to you by the Elder wand-

The Halloween feast was amazing, the tables were filled with food of all sorts! From toffee apples to pumpkin pie!
I was once again sitting with Draco and his goons.

I glanced every so often at Crabbe or Goyle but only to end up feeling sick at how much they were eating....

I looked over at the Gryffindore table and saw Longbottom, Weasley and Potter talking, wait where is the mudblood?

"Where's Hermione?" Potter asked with concern for his friend, "Patty Pantel (?) said that she wouldn't come out of the girls bathroom, she said she's been in there all afternoon, crying" Longbottom replied.

Harry looked over at Weasley who shrugged but his eyes held regret, hmm it's probably his fault. Well if it is, I'll make him cry all afternoon in the girls bathroom where he belongs!!

Suddenly the doors flew open. "T-TROLL IN THE DUNGEON!!! TROLL!!" It was Professor Quirrell!
"Thought you should know.." he said right before he passed out, and que face palm..

All the students started to scream apart from me, it's a troll not a dragon geez.

The only scream I could really make out was Draco's, Merlin's beard he screams like a girl! Hahaha.

I'm A Riddle {Draco x reader} (on hold)Where stories live. Discover now