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"Hey kiddo" she smirked.

(Back at your house)

"So, let me get this straight ,Ember is coming back to Hogwarts?" I asked my mother, not believing that my 18 year old sister is going back to school. WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT?

"Look kiddo, sometimes you don't need to know why something has to happen, Dumbledore has asked mother to send me back" Ember stated in a matter of fact tone, shrugging.

"But whyyyyy!" I whined, don't get me wrong, I love my sister but she's embarrassing, my life will be ruined!

"(Y/N) please, just stop whining and accept what has to happen, anyways we are going to the Malfoy's in a week!" Mother gleamed excitedly, I swear she has a crush on Lucius, yuck!

"Whatever" I hold my hands up in defeat and walk up to my bedroom.

Ember's POV

Oh (Y/N), if only you knew the true horrors of this world.....and how big of a part you have to play in it.

I sighed in annoyance and look down at my left arm, a little bit of black peeking out from my sleeve.

"She will learn eventually" mother said patting my shoulder whilst making her way to the kitchen.

"One can only hope"

-Time skip brought to you by exploding feathers!-

Reader's POV

"Draco!" I run up and hug him. It may have only been a week but it feels like months. What can I say, he's my best friend!

"Hey (Y/N)!" He immediately hugs back. His parents and my parents are talking with smiles on their faces, well except Lucius who smirks. I swear that Malfoys are trained to smirk since birth.

"Awe (Y/N) got herself a boyfriend!" Ember smirked evilly, with a glimmer of amusement in her eyes.

Both mine and Draco's cheeks flushed red, mine more so than his.

"Shut up Ember!" I shouted at her but she just shrugged and walked away.

"Sorry bout her" I apologised to him, shaking my head in my hand.

"No big deal, come on I want to show you something!" He gleams, dragging me out to the garden.

"Look I got a pet snake!" I looked out in the huge garden and spotted a giant black line in the middle of the grass.

"Is that a-" I started. "Black mamba, yes" Draco is afraid of his own shadow, how the hell can he handle one of the worlds most dangerous and venomous snakes!

 "Black mamba, yes" Draco is afraid of his own shadow, how the hell can he handle one of the worlds most dangerous and venomous snakes!

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"I'm not sure what to name her yet but I'll think of something" I'm so glad that I left Pippin and Sooty at home.

It started to sliver over to us, I wasn't panicking as I know I can command it.

"Sssssso niccce to ssssee you my Lady" she bowed her head to me.

"What did she say to you?" Draco asked, completely confused as to what his pet said.

"She said it was nice to see me" I replied as I gently pat the snakes head, casually stroking her smooth scales with my thumb.

"I think you should call her...Mortem!" I looked down at her and see that her eyes fill with happiness.

"Mortem...death in Latin..." Draco looked to be in thought, stroking an imaginary beard.

"I love it!"

-Time skips brought to you by to many time skips!-

Next week we'll be going back to Hogwarts. Ember placed a spell on her self to make her look 12 again, only the professors know what she looks like but I think some students have heard of her name, just like mine!

Me and Draco are off to get out new books. He's grown quite a bit since last year. How do I say this....he doesn't look as young as he did.

Neither do I, I've grown a big, like my mother and sister, my curves have started to grow early, but I don't mind. (B*tch I'm fabulous! 🖤 sorry)

All the books we have to get are by Gilderoy Lockhart, ugh I hate him. Being surrounded by love sicken girls is awful.

I gave my money and books to Lucius and said I'm going to wait outside.

I could have sworn I saw a black book in his pocket but didn't put any mind to it.

"Looks like Potter got himself a girlfriend" I could her Draco's voice. It's not like how he has been all summer. He's gone back to his usual snarky self. Oh good grief.

"Sup kiddo" I turn around to meet Ember's magenta eyes.

"You can't call me that when we look the same age" I smirk, great now I'm turning into a Malfoy!

"Eh", she shrugged.

Suddenly the door swung open and the Malfoys came storming out.

"Right then, let's be off" and with that we headed back to the Malfoy manor.


A/N: Sorry it's a short chapter!
Thank you so much for all the votes and nice comments! Can't believe this story has over 2K reads!!! I love you guys!

Just want to remind you that if you have any requests of in what you want to happen in the story or a song you want (Y/N) to sing, don't be afraid to say so!

Hope enjoyed this chapter!
See you next time!
-Verkira 🖤

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