Why I hc Din Djarin as Asexual

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(Nobody asked for this, but I'm doing it anyway lol)

**Keep in mind that these are my opinions. You are allowed to disagree with them, but please don't hate on me for it. Thank you.

For starters, I'd like to say that the overly sexual Din Djarin TikToks make me uncomfortable. Not just because I'm asexual and sexual things disgust me, but also because I just can't see him being like that. I see him as a hard-working, stoic bounty hunter who doesn't have time for such things because of his line of work (he's also my main comfort character, so that doesn't help either).

That being said, he is not an emotionless being. He hides his emotions behind that stoic mask because he sees it as a weakness (so do his enemies). Later on in the series, we see him slowly begin to open up because of Grogu. He doesn't know how to show proper affection, but is learning how.

He isn't the touchy-feely type because that wasn't how he was raised. Tender affection is foreign to him, so he tries to avoid it at all costs (as stated above). But if he did find someone he is absolutely in love with, I could see him learning how to be affectionate for them as well as himself.

He would be a soft person who shows his love through actions such as making food for said person or picking their favorite flowers while visiting a planet. He would be alright with kisses (in his case, helmet taps) and cuddles because even though he won't admit it, he likes to be loved on as well. Those would only be acceptable after a serious relationship has formed, though.

I think he would be uncomfortable with the kind of physical touch that comes with "adult funtime" because he's never been exposed to that, nor has he ever experienced a need for it. He is perfectly content with addressing his partner's needs and showering them with minuscule acts of love and affection in their everyday life that don't step outside his comfort zone.

In his mind, he views the relationship as a true partnership. He recognizes that he loves this person and wants to be with them, but also knows that life challenges will get in the way sooner or later. They need to focus on surviving till the next day and taking care of each other.

That being said, I don't think he'd react to someone acting sexy towards him or saying something suggestive in a way that those TikToks describe (no hate to the creators, of course). His main focus is his safety as well as the safety of his partner and the job at hand.

Okay I sort of went on a tangent, but you guys get the gist of it, right? Din just doesn't strike me as the type that would be comfortable with sex or sexual acts. He would much rather show his affection through gifts and helpful acts.

Din Djarin is just a soft, sweet man who's a bit awkward when it comes to romance. ☺️

(I really hope I don't get hate for this—)

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