Chapter 4

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      After some really awkward back and forth regarding how exactly they were going to get me to the police station-they didn't take my suggestion of bringing him here even when I reminded them of my lack of clothing-I was given a spare UA tracksuit and was temporarily cuffed with the infamous scarf. Now this situation is probably coming off as kinkier than it really is. In reality, I've been dragged through halls, in and out of a car, and into a holding room in a police station in the past half hour. Not my idea of a good time, but I did say we should have Detective Truth for this convo. (Still can't remember his fucking name.)

So now I sit. And sit. And sit.

      The only interesting thing about this waiting game is my new reflection. I'll be real, I kinda freaked the fuck out when I first sat down and caught a glimpse of myself in the one-way mirror. When I started this day, I was 5'4" twenty-one year old, on the heavier side, with brown and green hair. Now I'm seeing a nineteen or twentyish girl, toned-but curvy, and seemingly a little taller. I'm too far away from the mirror to get a good look at my eyes, but they definitely aren't brown anymore. 

      My hair though. If there's one good thing I get out of this madness it's this fantastic mane. It's longer than before, about to my waist and perfectly wavy. But above all that, it's an absolutely gorgeous cyan color that shimmers when I turn my head. It's like I got a person-lift instantaneously. I'm obviously even more weird-looking to myself as I'm now anime-styled. I always thought that that's what would happen if someone fell into an anime. I've thought a lot about this kind of situation actually. I mean, I don't know that any fan hasn't thought about this at one time or another. And truth be told, I've never liked the idea of the MC trying their best to lie to the characters about where they're from. Especially in this anime! Aizawa's way of life is suspicion, not to mention Nezu. Damn if I tried to lie to that lovable yet homicidal furball, I wouldn't stand a chance. So this, this makes sense. Get the certified cop who's buddies with All Might of all people to see that my story's straight.

      Now that I've been sitting for a while, the adrenaline that was keeping me awake this whole time is quickly disappearing. I let out a loud yawn that cracks my yaw with it's intensity and try to keep my eyes open. Maybe I can just rest them for a minute...


      The metal door to my temporary prison slams open and I see Japan's number one hero All Might standing there. I'm assuming he's number one still, based on the fact that he rolled up in his buff-might form.

     He looks embarrassed for a split second before schooling his face. I guess he underestimated his strength there. Welp, I guess his awkward side is alive and thriving.

      "I AM HERE!" He poses for a second, trying to intimidate with his bulky form. And maybe that usually works with actual villains that they question. But one: I am super tired and getting cranky, and two: I know that I'm not a villain, so I don't think he's gonna do anything to me. So with these facts in mind my mouth moves before my brain, "I mean, yeah, you kind of just slammed the door open bruh. And you're not exactly small. Can you get that detective in here so I can pass out and you can deflate?"

Oof. I am definitely getting more suspicious by the second.

      His shadowed eyes narrow at me as he tenses up, "How exactly do you know about Detective Tsukauchi? And what do you mean deflate?"

      That's his name! Knew it started with a T. All Might's words are strong enough, but I can see his forehead start to sweat as he tries to cover his secret up.

      "Well, I know that he's a detective, and that his quirk is basically lie-detection. Also, for the love of fuck, calm down before you have an anuyrysm. I know about your small-might form. You're not gonna need to fight me, so I suggest you save that form for a real emergency."

      His mouth gapes open, and he just stares at me for a minute. He's about to say something when the detective comes into the room.

      "Hello Ms. Johnson. I hear that you've asked to speak with me?" Damn, he's super polite-wait a sec. That sounded weird.

      "Wa-was that Japanese? Did you say that in Japanese just now?!" I completely understood what he said, as well as I understand English, but why? Sure, I know a few words and phrases from binging anime, but I'm super bad at languages. I barely passed French!

      The mild-mannered brunette gives me a weird look but answers my question, "Yes? I was just about to have All Might translate, but it seems like you speak Japanese after all? According to the students in U.A., you said-and I quote- 'no nihongo'. Were you lying to them?" Great, now this guy's suspicious too.

      "No! The only language that I know is English!" My voice raised in pitch as I saw both men tense up and make subtle movements towards me.

      Tsukauchi relaxes, hopefully because he heard the truth in my words, but now he has a weird look on his face, "Then tell me Ms. Johnson, how did you just respond in fluent Japanese if you don't know it?"

Is it anime logic or something more?? By the way, will I be attacked with pitchforks and torches if I yeet Aizawa out of the romance? Kinda feeling like just Charlee, Tamaki, and Hawks are it for this story. 💚

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