Chater 6

64 3 2

      The door opens for a third time, revealing Aizawa, Present Mic, and Nezu. Which makes sense; I scared their students and technically broke into their school. They can't not look into the situation. 

      Now that things are a little less hectic, I get a better look at Aizawa. His hair is long and disheveled, but seems clean to me. And he seems a little more..bulked up than what the anime shows? The five o clock shadow doesn't hurt either. Basically, this man is even hotter than what we thought! He does have prominent eye bags though. He's also kind of glaring at me, which is just great. It's probably because I made him exert more energy than he was planning to today. Technically I think I've had the more chaotic day, but I do feel bad for giving everyone more work. Oops.

      Present Mic is pretty much how the anime depicts him, loud and eccentric with his trademark gravity-defying hair. It's definitely a look.

      The infamous principal uses All Might's lap to climb on the table and sit at eye-level across from me. I have to hold my squees in, but it's really hard; he's like a living stuffed animal!

"It's a pleasure to meet you Ms-"

I cut in for a second, "Char please. Or Charlee."

      "Of course, Charlee. I heard your story and have come to the same conclusion as Detective Takauchi; you are not at fault for being in our school, nor are you a villain. In fact, I think that you could be a great asset to U.A. May I ask how old you are?"

      "Um, thank you. I'm twenty one, but it seems like my body is a little younger in this world. Ah, shit! What am I gonna do about classes?! If I miss more than three classes that asshole is gonna fail me, and then my parents will kill me, and then I'll have to live in cardboard bo-"

      "Charlee!" I stop my rambling to look at Nezu, "How about we cross that bridge if-or when-we figure out how to get you home?"

Big breath out, "Yeah. Yeah that makes sense. Sorry, please continue."

      "Considering your age and your apparent education, I would like to offer you a position at U.A. as a student teacher. You can live in the teacher's dorms, and you will earn plenty of money for necessities. We will also be close by to help you with your rather...odd situation. What do you think?" His face scrunches up in a cute furry smile and his paws are together in front of him. I can practically see sparkles flying off him.

      "Mr. Nezu, that would be a huge help! I hadn't even thought that far ahead yet," I smile and go to scratch my head only to be reminded that they're still cuffed to the table.

I turn to Tsukauchi, "Hey detective, do you think you can take these off now?"

      "Oh, of course! Sorry about that Ms. Jo-Charlee." He reaches over and does something to the cuffs to unlock them. I guess quirk-cancelling cuffs don't have keys?

      "Awesome, thank you." I stand up slowly and stretch out, a yawn slipping out as I do. "I don't suppose we can go to that dorm now?"

Progress! How many more chapters until Charlee's quirk is revealed? 💚

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