Chapter 3

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Chapter 3.1 – Reader: I crossed over into another world…

What was this about a good stallion YY novel? Huh? The plot is a **** prolapse! There is no god! ****! Argh! Du Ze was highly agitated and cussed out the author.2

Find the address! The address of the author! This pupil wants to organize a group to confront3 the author –

Right at that moment, Du Ze really wanted to become an upgraded version of Sadako4 and crawl through the network cable to die along with him.

The author is bullying the poor protagonist.5

Kill, kill, kill, kill!

Du Ze could barely contain his anger as he opened the home page’s comment section. Sure enough, the comments were chaotic. Almost all of the readers of “Mixed Blood” were unhappy at the plot’s abrupt about-turn. Countless people were asking if the author has recently been “stimulated.” In the comment area, many readers were kneeling or trying to act cute to ask the author to stop the abuse. The plot of “Mixed Blood” wass now too dark, it cannot afford to get even worse. But no matter how much the readers tried to appeal to author or threaten him, he remained completely unmoved by their pleas. The plot was still a mess.

Du Ze stopped scrolling the mouse. He looked at the comment that had started the whole thing for him. It was a pain in the balls and was once again at the top. Du Ze read the comments:


User[Carp]: LZ this was your wish.

User[WhoOwnsThisMirror]: Bah, who is this guy who has the ability to influence Qiu???


A group of fans were fighting about it. Some people thought that this is all because of Duzi’s comments – the author took note of his criticism and incorporated his feedback into the story. Others insisted that the current plot was always Qiu’s original plan and he was not affected by Duzi’s post. The two sides agreed that each person is entitled to his own opinion. The only thing they all agreed on is that Duzi is a ****.

… Your mother!6 Why look at this! =皿=

Du Ze’s finger on the mouse trembled and he went back again to the story’s home page. At this time he found that the news section had been updated. Ye Zhi Qiu said: The author is not stimulated, but got some inspiration, the plot of “Mixed Blood” is now very satisfying, I hope you like it, haha.

Du Ze stared at the four characters saying “some inspiration” and was moved to tears.

After seeing the author’s post, he felt like his knee was struck by an arrow. A hornet’s nest was broken.

The author got some inspiration, so he responded decisively.

“Mr Inspiration,” holding on to his injured knee, silently started to write another comment. To prevent the destruction of the world, for the sake of world peace, he had to do something. Du Ze had seen that the readers who acted cute or pleaded with the author to have mercy on the protagonist were unsuccessful. Based on his behavior, Du Ze thinks that even if “Duzi” apologized, the author would just say “Oh,” then… no, that wouldn’t work. The author would just continue to what he was doing and the protagonist would continue to die.

Du Ze ground his teeth and typed – since the author wants “inspiration” then this unhealthy, broken person will spray it one more time. No matter what, the protagonist can’t be more tragic than now.

User: Duzi, Comment: “Mixed Blood”, Rating: 1, the review section: 35

The main character is being chased like an X? Way too weak! (So don’t abuse him, please. QAQ7)

The Reader and the Protagonist definitely have to be in true loveWhere stories live. Discover now