Chapter 46

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Chapter 46.1 – Protagonist: Because it’s you.

Currently, the most popular news in the Star Empire is the upcoming “Cecil” play presented by the Starlight Troupe. Some people would scoff and say that the Starlight Troupe is going to smash its own signboard, but more people are looking forward to seeing how the most celebrated acting troupe in the Chaos Continent will stage that famously difficult play. Even without special publicity, ticket sales for the Starlight Troupe’s “Cecil” was a great success; they sold out on the very first day. In the next few days, tickets were difficult to procure and prices were rising higher and higher.

Finally, it was the opening night of “Cecil.” It seemed as though everyone in the Imperial City of the Star Empire was waiting outside the door of the Starlight Troupe’s theater. It was so rowdy that the Empire had to dispatch soldiers to clear a way for people to pass through. Every time someone wanted to go inside, they had to go through barkers yelling sky-high prices for tickets – ever since the Starlight Troupe announced that there would only be one performance of “Cecil,” prices shot up. Those who were not able to buy tickets can only beat their breasts and stamp their feet in regret.

In a remote magical tower, glass jars filled with liquids of varying colours took up almost every square inch of space. It’s the famous Alchemy Master Vieruodis’s magical tower. She is Chaos Continent’s most sought-after alchemist because of her research in human immortality. Her medicines can effectively alleviate aging, therefore many people – especially nobles – want to curry favor from her. However, the alchemist is cranky and prefers to stay inside her tower, shutting everyone out.

Vieruodis sat on a wheelchair while quietly reading the text of her ticket to “Cecil.”. She took out a pocket watch from her bosom. Looking at the watch, Vieruodis’s gaze became both sad and complex.

The hands of the pocket watch indicated that the show was about to start in one hour. Vieruodis stared at the ticket for a long time before she finally reached for it and called her apprentice.

Outside the Starlight Troupe theater.

“Look! It’s His Majesty’s, the Emperor’s carriage. It’s so gorgeous!”

“Can you see His Majesty? I heard that he is 8 years old.”

“No, I can’t see him. I think I see the Prime Minister’s carriage – ha, it’s more gorgeous than His Majesty’s carriage!”


Outside, the people watching the arriving dignitaries were very noisy and lively; inside the theater, the leader of the Starlight Troupe was extremely nervous. Everyone knows that the the Star Empire’s Emperor and Prime Minister are mortal enemies. Both sides are always jostling for position. Now the sworn enemies have arrived at almost the same time. As the Starlight Troupe’s leader, he has to greet them both, but which one should he approach first?

The Emperor of the Star Empire alighted. Though he wore an Emperor’s clothes, he was still too young to look as dignified as an Emperor should. On the other side, a carriage door opened and the first to exit was the Prime Minister’s son, Darwin, one of the Star Empire’s most infamous playboys. Then an old man with meticulously groomed hair exited. He is the Prime Minister, the most powerful person in the Star Empire. When the Prime Minister glanced at the little Emperor, his eyes flashed a hint of disdain.

The atmosphere was so tense that the leader was about to cry. Fortunately, the next person to arrive on the scene solved his plight. The leader ceremoniously greeted the Emperor’s and the Prime Minister’s groups before ushering them both into a theater box. Then he was warmly greeted by a little girl who was dragging an old man along with her.

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