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"President Phil! We have a problem!" Phil's assistant shouted as he rushed into the room.

The family looked up from their dinner, Wilbur sitting next to Phil, the twins beside him, and Kristen at the end with baby Tommy.

Phil stood up from his seat, walking towards the man.

"What's the issue? Is someone hurt?" Phil asked.

"It's the Feuer family, they've set in town on fire."

Kristen's eyes got wide as she scooped Tommy up and grabbed Y/n's hand. Phil looked panic as he ran back to the table, grabbing Wilbur's hand and picking up Techno.

He made eye contact with his wife, who nodded.

L'manburg was on fire, and they had to get out.


The sound of a babies cry could be heard as they made their way to the bunker.

"Hurry!" Phil shouted from the bunker room. Techno held on to his leg, Wilbur held onto his little sister for comfort.

Kristen ran through the smoke, the crying baby Tommy in her hands. All she could see is grey smoke, her eyes burned.

The fire was raging on behind her, gaining closer and closer.

"Phil!" Kristen shouted, she was now in her knees before the door.

Phil ran out to try and help her, but the smoke clouded his vision.

"Kristen! My love, where are you?" He called, tears falling.

"Kri-" he was stopped by his crying child, left on the floor below the smoke. He quickly picked up his baby, looking back into the smoke.

"Kristen! If you can hear me," he paused, "I-I love you!" He said as he sprinted back to the bunker, closing the door.


Days had passed, the town had been decimated, left to ruins.

The small girl, no older than five, stood on a hill with her brothers and watched from afar while her farther and his men searched the ruins. She had a small burn mark on her neck, one she for from accidentally being pushed during last nights chaos.

"Wilby?" She asked, "what happened to momma?"

Eight year old Wilbur looked down at his sister, his eyes sad with grief and pain.

"Shes no longer here, n/n." He said.

"Will she be back?" She asked, her little eyes filled with hope.

Wilbur shook his head no, the little girls face filled with sadness, yet she didn't understand how sad it truly was.

Wilbur's grip on her hand tightened a bit, his sadness replaced with anger. Y/n let out a small yelp as her brother pulled her close, touching her burn.

"It's their fault, those fire users. They were the ones who deserved to burn, not mum."

Y/n and Techno gave Wilbur a confused look as they held onto him tightly.

The siblings attention was pulled away as they heard their father cry loudly, they watched as he fell to his knees in the rubble.

Y/n looked down at her feet, a tear fell from her eyes. Seeing her father cry for the first time felt like a knife driving into her chest. For the first time, she felt alone.

And sadly, it wouldn't be her last.


AHHHHH HI YALL!! IM SO EXCITED TO BE WRITING THIS!! I just wanted to say thank you guys for the support and I hope y'all really enjoy this book<3

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