In White

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The wedding was supposed to be next December. It was going to be a year from the day Sam proposed. It was supposed to honor her mother and father's marriage, as well as her death.

Yet, it was now March. And for some reason
Y/n was wearing white, with a bouquet in her hands.

She clutched the white lilies tightly, pops of carnations and sprinkles of poppies wrapped in the ribbon from her mother wedding dress.

Her nerves were absolutely shot. She stared at herself in the mirror, her eyes gazing over her dress and hair. She had never really imagined herself in a dress like this, it was simple yet elegant. Captain Puffy had lent it to her, Phil had refused to let her wear her mothers, so this was the next best thing.

She never thought it would come to this. Sam's threat seemed so.... Real? Sam had never threatened her that way, he had never talked to her like that. Every moment she had spent with Sam before this, every glance and smile they shared. All of it was pleasant up until now. He now reminded her of Wilbur and his temper. The vile words that seeped out of his mouth, his eyes that bore into her, filling her with uncertainty and pain. This wasn't the Sam she adored...

Where had that Sam gone?

Y/n looked away from the mirror, desperately trying to clear her thoughts. But the one thing that really scared her was a question Tommy had asked days earlier.

"What about after the wedding?"

Oh lord, what about after the wedding? Where would they live, what would they do, and how would it be like? She never had the time to think about all that before Sam's threat.

The young woman shook her head as she peeled away from the mirror. She hoped that when she shook her head, it would shake away the thoughts that plagued her brain.

"What a beauty. Didn't know you could clean up!" A male voice called from behind.

Oh shit-


"Y/n? Y/n!" Wilbur called, peeking his head into every doorway.

"Where could that stupid girl be? I told her to be getting ready! That bit-"

"Will!" Phil snapped. "Calm down, Im sure she's here somewhere!"

Wilbur ran his hands over his own suit, shaking off any lint or dirt. He loosened his yellow tie in frustration and ran a hand through his hair, his rude eyes looking towards his father.

"She better not be playing any games! That girl is a mess... we should have married her off sooner!" Will snapped.

Phil sighed, "Will, everything will be alright. Im sure she's just with Tommy-"

"Who's with me?" Tommy asked, his red tie hanging loosely.

"Where's Y/n? I wanted to give her something before she got taken away." Annoyance filled Tommy's voice towards the end, throwing a glare at Wilbur. Tommy had fought for the past month to let Y/n stay. Originally, they wanted to keep the fact that they were rushing the marriage a secret, but Punz lost a bet and let it slip way Y/n was being watched 24/7.

Wilbur laughed coldly at his brother.

"I'm doing what's best for her, Thomas. Don't be disrespectful to me." Wilbur lashed.

Tommy shook his head and ran off, most likely to find his sister or Tubbo.

"Poor kid, he's gonna miss her..." Phil mused as he walked away after Tommy.

"Yeah. Good thing is he'll be the only one" Wilbur whispered to himself.

"Will!" Sam called, smiling. He was dressed in a dark green suit, his hair slicked back.

"Ah! My future brother!" Wilbur responded, attempting to smile.

Sam quickly hugged Wilbur, patting him on the back as he did so. "I can't wait to see Y/n! Speaking of which, where is she, I went to her room but she wasn't there!" Sam inquired.

Wilbur's face went blank. "Uh, she's busy." He responded coldly.

"Oh, we'll tell her I would like to see her?" Sam asked, walking back towards his room.

Wilbur only nodded his head, rolling his eyes at Sam.

"Pathetic. I can't wait to get rid of both of them." Wilbur flexed his cuffs and wiped down his sleeves, a smiled creeped on his face.

"L'Manburg will be mine."


"Y/n? Y/n darling, are you here?" Sam asked as he looked into her room again. His eyes scanned over the familiar room, looking for any sign of his future wife. He fully entered the room, crouching down slightly to avoid hitting his head.


Sam fully took in the room, it looked the same as it always had. Pictures of her family adorned the wall near her mirror, drawings and painting she had done were hung above her bed, and her favorite necklace sat out on her dresser. Sam smiled as he spotted a photo of the two of them.

It had been taken 10ish years ago. The two were just kids, smiling and laughing. It was at Puffy's wedding, the two stood on her left while Y/n's other siblings and two other little boys stood on her right.

Except the picture had been torn.

Sam raised his eyebrow as his examined the photo again. He counted everyone in the photo, him, Y/n, Wilbur, Techno, a baby Tommy, and... who where the other two? Surely it wasn't-

Sam quickly dropped the photo, jumping back as all his memories came flooding in. His hands shook violently, he threw his head back in agony as a million thoughts rushed through his head, none of them being good.

"No, no, no!" He cried out, frantically looking around the room.

He ran to her vanity, opening her drawer. He shuffled around her makeup and earrings, searching intently for something-

Sam pulled out a white envelope, it had been sealed shut. He quickly ripped it open, pulling out a green piece of paper. Tears formed in his eyes as he read over the all too familiar hand writing.

"Dear Sam.

I know you know who this is. You're too clever for you own good Sammy. Yet, you're not smart enough to realize that I would be back, I will always return Sammy, surely you know this? Surely you knew that she belonged to me... she always has Sam, and I know that bothers you so so dearly.  Oh brother, how I can not wait to see how you react to this. The tabloids are waiting.

Yours truly-"

A small drawing fell onto the floor. Sam quickly picked it up, hoping he was just dreaming again, hoping to not see what he feared his was gonna see.

Sadly, his worst fears had become a reality.

The emblems he had grown to hate, all written on the page. Emblems he had grown up with, emblems that had only caused him pain and suffering in recent years. Anger tore through Sam's body, followed by furious tears.

"No, Y/n!" Sam cried out.

"Sam?" Wilbur rushed in, Tommy and Tubbo following.

"They took her, she's gone!"


In Between The Flames: Sapnap x reader x Awesamdude Where stories live. Discover now