Camp Fire

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Warning: light smut :)



Alright, this was getting tiring to say the least. They had been driving all day, and their seemed to be no stopping anytime soon.

The carriage took a sharp turn, sending the poor girl into the green man's lap.

"Sorry, honey. But you've got enough men on your hands." He smirked as he gently pushed her back to her seat.

Y/n groaned in frustration.

"Y'all aren't hurting her back there are you?" Sapnap shouted.

Dream laughed. "George is sleeping, and I haven't done a thing... your driving on the other hand..." he trailed off, a small laugh escaping his lips.

A small huff come from the front seat as Sapnap focused his eyes back onto the road ahead of him. He had driven down this road nearly a hundred times, yet this time he nerves were getting the best of him.  He used to drive down this road to escape his family, his horribly over bearing family.

His knuckles grew white from gripping the wheel. He drew in a deep breath, trying to calm his sudden nerves. Why was he so gosh darn nervous? Was it because Dream and George were seeing this place for the first time? Was it because he kidnapped a princess-


She had never seen this place. What would she say when they were face to face? What if she couldn't stand to look at him he-

"OW! Dream!" A feminine voice shouted from the back. A small laugh could be heard.

"Seriously you two? Shut up!" George scolded.

Well, she's still breathing at least. Maybe she wouldn't be too mad at the kidnapping?


Wilbur stood in the middle of the thrown room, he demeanor freakishly calm.

"Will, I'm not sure this is a great idea-" Brown eyes snapped toward the blond.

Tommy stepped back as their eyes connected. A fear washing over him as he's hands shook violently.

"Tommy." Wilbur's voice freakish filled with a serene venom Tommy had never heard before.

"Tommy, I am doing the best for our country. Once I have the crown, nothing will stop us. I will be one the greatest rulers of all time. You could be by my side, brother." Wilbur smiled his ever empty smile.

"Yeah but don't you think dad will be-"

Wilbur took a note out of his pocket. Gently he opened the brick colored note, pulling back the fold to reveal a signature. Philza's large signature written across the bottom.

Tommy shivered, Wilbur smiled.

"This is a new age, Tommy. It's our time to rise up, brother!"

Tommy get tears welding up in his eyes as he raced out of the room. He stalked down the halls of the palace, allowing his tears to guide him. He stopped in front of a once familiar room.the room had remained unchanged. Paintings on the wall, makeup in touched, and her bed still made. One morning she was here, the next she was gone. Just like had mom had gone, yet she was gone forever-

Tommy felt his tears start up again. The lump in the throat felt heavy and he felt a pang in his chest.

What if Y/n was gone forever?"


Four figures say around a campfire, a silence over the group.

"Sap. Pass the marshmallows." George murmured.

No response. The raven haired man was looking into the fire, his eyes dancing over the curves of the flames.

"Sap? Sap? Hello?" Dream spoke now. His voice echoing the concern on his face.

"Uh I-uh yeah here." Sapnap threw the bag towards the pair.

George sheepishly took the bag, his eyes connecting with Dreams, an understanding being communicated between the two.

"Uh well we are gonna head to bed now."

As the two left, Sapnap's eyes fell onto the remaining individual.

Her eyes seemed to glow as the fire highlighted her face, revealing her cold features. She was looking towards the fire, he eyes unwavering as she stared into. It wasn't sadness, she wasn't sad, yet she had a mundane look on her face.

"You know, I did it because-"

"I know." Her eyes now facing him. "You did it because you hate Sam. I know you don't like him but I had a duty-"

Sapnap scoffed. "A duty? Please Y/n he would've eaten you alive as your husband. He would've suffocated your shine and dull any happiness you have left in you I-"

He paused, their eyes glued together. A silence fell over them, neither knowing who should speak next.

"Sapnap you don't need to say it-"

"I love you. I am so desperately in love with you, Y/n." Tears gently fell down Sapnap's face.

"Sam has always won. Growing up he's always won I-" the tears grew on Sapnaps's face, his words becoming slightly slurred.

Y/n walked over to him, enveloping him in a hug, holding his head gently as they rocked back and forth. Sapnap's tear only grew as she held him in her arms. Finally, the two pulled back, Sapnap started to clear his tears.

"I don't know what I would do without you, darling. Sam got the promotion, he got the love I always wanted, originally, I had the friends I wanted too." Sapnap let out a laugh. "Yet I got them back." He glanced back towards the tents.

"But you? It felt like he always got you..."

"Sap, I-"

"Don't, Y/n. I know. I don't want to hear an apology, you don't owe me one." His tears were now gone, a smile now growing on his face.

"But, Sam doesn't face you now, does he?" He had crawled toward y/n's thigh, gently rubbing over her scar of his name. He gripped her, pulling her towards him. His other had sneaking to her waist.

"He's not touching you right now is he?" A smirk plastered on his face.


"What, darling?" His hand moved to her face, pulling her eyes to his. "This getting too heated? Afraid the boys will hear?" He leaned down to attack her neck, small moans escaping y/n's lips. His left hand was now up her skirt, playing with the hem of her underwear, the other had made its way under her shirt, resting on her bra.

"Moan my name, baby. Let them hear who you belong them. Let them know-" his fingers twisted her nipple, eliciting a loud moan.

"Let them know it's me and not Sam."


In Between The Flames: Sapnap x reader x Awesamdude Where stories live. Discover now