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"Sammy! Slow down!" Y/n pouted.

A loud giggle could be heard from the little green haired boy as he ran faster.

"Sammy! Please I need-!" Before She could finish her sentence, the young girl fell, face first.

"Y/n!" Sam shouted, running towards his playmate worried.

"Y/n? You ok?" He asked trying to pull her up.


Sam suddenly felt wet mud across his face, as well as hearing the giggles of the guilty party.

"Gotcha!" She laughed, her small white dress caked in mud.

Sam laughed as he threw a handful of mud at her, causing a squeal.

Soon, a large mud fight occurred, only being stopped by-

"Y/n! Dinner!" Wilbur called, Tommy holding his hand.

"Bye y/n! I'll see you-"

"Wait! Sammy I have to ask you something!" She squealed out, running towards the boy.

"Willyougotothevillagedancewithme?" She sputtered, her words jumbled.

"What?" Sam asked, wiping his muddy hands on his equally muddy overalls.

"The dance?" She huffed, "go with me?"

Sam smiled, nodding brightly. Y/n giggled, giving him a quick hug and a kiss on the cheek before running to meet her brother for dinner.

Little Sam watched her run away, smiling as he held a hand up to the cheek she kissed.


"I-uh... what now?" She asked, Sam still on one knee.

"He asked you to marry him." Wilbur said, averting all eyes towards him.

Y/n looked at his and her father's faces, anticipation on both of their faces.

"Um uh sure, why not!" She said, hold he hand out for Sam to slip the ring on her finger.

"Uh, y/n? Wrong hand." Her father reminded.

"Oh sorry..."


"So... how'd it go-"

"Shut the fuck up, Thomas." Y/n demanded, closing the door to her room.

She quickly curled up on her bed, staring at the ceiling.

How did this happen? How did her life end up like this? Just a few days ago she had total freedom in her life, now she was bond to a marriage she wasn't even sure of.

Why would her father allow this? How could Wilbur even suggest such a matter to him? If only her mother was here she could help-

Well, that's what she thought at least.

"Y/n it's whats best for you, you know that." Tommy spoke, sitting in the edge of her bed.

Y/n groaned loudly, looking over at her brother, "Tom, with all due respect to Wil and father, it's not what's best for me whatsoever."

Tommy slightly scoffed, shaking his head.

"But father and Wil know what's best I-"

Y/n cut him off. "Tommy, they don't."

Tommy looked at his sister, giving her a bewildered look. "Why would even say that,

Y/n sighed, pulling her brother close. As she held her little brother, a tear fell down her face.

"Tommy. I love father and I love Wilbur, but they don't have the final say. We should both be able to live our lives in peace, not fear."

"Fear?" Tommy asked.

"Think about it Tom, what happens when you mess up?"

The pair sat in silence, the question festering on their minds. Y/n felt her brother shift a little, she could tell the question was effecting him.

"I get yelled at, then Wil and father decide on a punishment..."

"And what have we gotten in trouble for?" Y/n asked, a feeling of pain could be heard in her voice.

"Well, Tubbo and i stayed up late, so Wil made me stay up the next two days to learn my lesson..."

Y/n simply nodded, hugging her brother tighter.

"And there was this time that I talked to George, Wil made me stay out back in a tent to 'live like those darn thrives do.'"

Y/n nodded again, sadly remembering it all too vividly. Tommy let at a sad laugh.

"But, I do remember the part where you would bring snacks and coffee when Wil wants looking, and the really cool knife you gave me that pisses Wil off and-" Tommy suddenly stopped.

"Y/n i don't want you to get married- at least not yet." Tommy said, holding on to his sister for dear life.

"I know, Tom. I'm sure we will find out away out, we always do." She reassured him as she smoothed out his hair.

"Y/n." Erets voice rang out over the siblings.

"Sam has requested to see you."


Dark green eyes stared as she walked into the room, he could see the anger boiling in her veins.

"Let me explain-"

"Seriously? You must be joking with me Sam! You betrayed me and my happiness for my father and brother? Why would you even do that Sammy! How could-"

She was cut off by Sam hugging her, pulling her close to his body. The pair stayed like that for a bit, holding on to one another as if this was the first time they ever touched.

"I didn't have any other option, they would've taken away my life if I hadn't." He whispered.

Y/n pulled back to look at his face, "but Sam, what about mine? I can't be locked up again I don't want to." She cried, yet no tears spilled.

"I did it to save you, y/n! Don't you understand that?" Sam raised his voice a little, yet didn't yell.

Y/n shook her head sighing.

"As long as you promise to let me live my life, I'll go through with it."

She suddenly felt a warm hand on her face, pulling her eyes up to meet his.

Big green eyes bore into hers, the emotions seemed to stop and everything went calm for just a moment.

"I promise you, my little flame. I will let you be free."

"Really?" She raised an eyebrow at him.

"Really." He smiled.

She quickly engulfed him in a hug, which was surprising, but he soon gave in to her warm embrace.

"You better not break that promise, Sammy. I don't think I'd ever forgive you."

Sam shook his head, "I wouldn't break it for anything in this world, dear."


Yuh 😎
Friday update ahhhhhhh

I really hope y'all are enjoying this so far! Also, 200 reads yay!!!
Anyways! Have a wonderful night y'all!

Mwah mwah!

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