#35. Daddy's Letter

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I have a week left of school fucking bless!! this preference would be like open when letters... :)

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{Open When} Your 18.

Dear Keian,

I had to leave the name space blank because I have yet to know your name. But, when I can tell you is this, I'm eighteen myself while writing this and utterly infatuated with your mother. She's my life, my whole world, and there was never a doubt in my mind that she would be an amazing wife or mother because she's an amazing girlfriend right now. Anyway, your young now, only eighteen and ready to take on the world. And maybe your at university right now, or following in your old man's footsteps and going into music but whatever your doing I want you to know how proud I am of you. I want you to always believe in yourself and follow all the dreams you ever had. I want you to know that how ever you turn out, straight, gay, bisexual, transgender, or anything I will still love you will all of my heart and I will be there for you when ever you need it. And I cant wait for the day you come and bring home the love of your life and smile at them with those love filled eyes, the same one's I give to your mother. I know that I cant tell you to not make my mistakes but what would life lessons be without making mistakes, but what I will say, don't ever lose the love of your life. It will be the worst thing to happen for you. I know your young and this might not apply to you at the moment but you need to know. So if your still home for your big eighteenth birthday, or even in the country I hope me and you can go head to the pub and have a drink, just father and son, because I love you, even if I don't know you yet and you don't know me, but it's true. Be happy with yourself no matter what, because your own happiness is what's most important. Xx

Love, Dad


{Open When} You Graduate High School


You can finally say that you've done something I haven't, graduated high school. It seems weird to think that you've already grown and completed your life at school because at the moment your soundly sleeping wrapped in your blue blanket tucked into you crib as I write this on the changing table, probably not very sanity but it will do for now. This doesn't have a lot of importance but I just remembered that you peed on me last night and basically, I've got a joke for you okay, maybe you can tell it at your graduation I wont copyright it. Alight, Knock Knock [who's there] Urine, [urine who?] URINEsecure son know what for! that's a classic! Anyway I don't doubt at all that you've done amazing in school, I only went to through to grade ten but I know how smart and wonderful you are already so don't ever think that me and your mother are disappointed in you. You and your mother are the light in my life, no matter what and yeah you might grow up with a famous dad who's in a band but I will always be your father and I want you to now that no matter how many awards your uncles and I have gotten, there is no greater reward in my life than you and your mother. I guess what I want you to know Lan, is that I love you more than anything in this world and no matter what you do with your life I will always be proud of you and will always be there for you always. This is only one of the many milestones in your life that I'm so happy and ready to see you conquer all these things, High School is only the beginning for you my boy. I love you so much and please just let your mother take some pictures on you today or she will make your life hell. I've seen it and lived through it and she'll have both our heads, All the love.



{Open When} You Need To Know How Much I Love You


I don't think it should be a question to you about how much I love you Rea. You're my little girl, my first born. You are the complete light of my life and I would do anything in the world for you. Baby girl, I need you to know that whatever you need me to do for you I will, not matter what it is I'll be here for you till the end of time. Your such a beautiful and amazing young woman, the spitting image of your mother and I hate to say it but you'll have all the boys at your feet. That doesn't mean I wont fight them off tooth and nail because I definitely will, I wont let anyone hurt my baby girl. And I'm probably going to hover over you all the time and you will hate me at one point of your life but I promise you Rea, I just want you to be happy and safe forever. I want you to live your life the way you want to, do things that make you happy. I cant wait to see you live your life and grow up to be the amazing woman I know you'll be. I love you forever Rea, my baby girl. Xoxo

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