#16. The Nursery

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Phone game is lame :/ hope ya think its cute & thank you for 2.1K !!! Love you <3 Happy 4th of July 🇺🇸🇺🇸



You both have had small arguments about the color of the room. You both wanted something different and the colors you were both choosing weren't coming up with positive comments. Niall took you to Home Depot {thats in America} and had you both walk to the paint section. Still confused as all hell you looked to Niall to shine some light on the situation. "Okay princess, this is the only way to pick a damn color for the nursery. Alright all we have to do is stand by the boyish colors and what ever we choose we decide from there alright?". It was adorable how cute he can be even though you knew he was stressed because of the baby and the band. You both closed your eyes and reached for a color chart. "Alright open and we'll pick" you told as both your eyes opened to show the color you picked "Yeah no way in hell our child is having a brown room put it back" he said to you as you had the dark brown swatch in you hand. "So this is it then, our baby boy's room... Its so different, I like it" you looked at the light red swatch in his hand loving the color. In the end you painted the small nursery red and added white furniture making your future son's room perfect.


He was the one who designed it. With the help of both your mothers of course. Because you were starting your seventh month, you couldn't do as much and thought you wanted it perfect you had Harry there to reassure you everything was going fine. You started your day off normally, waking up and eating any food that wouldn't make you sick. You were making lunch for your wonderful husband making some quick sandwiches. The familiar tattooed arms wrapped around your swollen belly "I think our little king's castle is finished, would mommy like to go and take a look?" He entangled his fingers with yours as you walked toward the clean white door. 'Landon James' printed on the front in script black letters. "Okay baby, now honestly tell me if you like it if you don't just-". You cut him off with a kiss on his neck because that was all you could reach. "Open the door Styles", he complied with opening the door and as so as you got a look at the gorgeous room and you lost your breath. The walls were light blue with a white chevron pattern, a black crib lye in the corner with darker blue blankets. On the other side was a small black changing table and a dresser. Picture of Harry and you littered the walls making you smile wider then you already were. "I-It's already filled with all the baby clothes you need. A-and um... I think some blankets and bottles over by the changing table that your mom got ...erm...yeah". He was nervous, you haven't seen him like this since the day he proposed... It was cute. "Baby this is the best nursery I could ever imagine, thank you so much. I love you." The rest of the afternoon was both of you looking through the clothes and the photos, thinking how lucky you were to have a family like this".


Since the twins were a boy and girl, it was difficult finding the correct color for both genders. You tried green, yellow, grey, brown... Nothing felt right. He came up with the idea of a nice cream color and it was perfect. the room was decently big so you divide it in the middle for Devin and Reagan. One crib was blue and the other pink, right above them on the wall was their names painted out in the most beautiful script possible thank to Zayn who so generously helped. There were teddy beats galore and you could feel the love coming from the soon to be bedroom for you son & daughter. "There gonna be so spoiled!" and you couldn't help but agree with Liam.


Zayn took complete control over his daughters nursery so you didn't have to stress out. Every so often you would see him holding paint cans or on the BabiesRUs website ordering furniture and blankets. You were resting on the bed since your little girl decided to tumblr role around your belly. He emerged into your bedroom paint splatters scattered across his black sweatshirt and dark navy jeans. "Okay baby come with me, its finally finished" he helped you off the bed and walked you to the room. The door was pulled back the beautiful white walls came into view, the most gorgeous cherry blossom tree came into view. The words 'Princess Mia' written on the wall, the mahogany crib and chest went beautifully with everything. Some tears came from your eyes seeing the amazing work he did. He pulled you to his chest as his small indulged you.


It was all up to you, or so you thought. You chose the two colors of the walls, light pink and lavender. A chevron was painted on the wall in white, the furniture was black with stuffed animals spread everywhere. You went out one day and that was Louis' que to act fast. You returned home with some food, Louis helped you put it away as he dragged you to the nursery door. "Okay while you were out, I added a few things to the nursery and I hope you like it." The door was pulled back and on the chevron wall was black and white picture frames with everyone from the family in it. Your side, Louis side, all of the boys, their girlfriends, Ed, Lou, everyone. it was perfect and you never thought he could pull it off but as always Louis always surprises you.

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