#8. Mood swings.

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"Princess I'm home!" Niall walked through the door an entered the living room where you were sitting on the couch reading a book with a nice warm blanket and some coffee. He came over and sat next to you embracing you into a giant hug that you were not satisfied by this at all. "ugh" "whats wrong princess?" you turned to him with a blank expression on our face. "your in the same room as me and breathing the same air as me that's whats wrong". He was hurt by this he knew you usually loved when he would come home and cuddle with you and just spend time together. "o-oh kay princess i-i'll just be in the bedroom then". He was upset and you can tell. you felt really bad but it wasn't your fault that the baby was in a pissy mood. You hauled yourself off the couch and walked up the steps to find him sitting on your shared bed with his head in his hands. You sat next to him and started to rub his back softly. "Niall I'm really sorry, You did nothing wrong I promise its just these damn mood swings from the baby. I'm sorry I know you probably hate me right now but-" "Princess I don't and will never hate you, I was just a little upset I'm fine" He understood its the hormones from the baby effecting your body and your emotions and he embraced you in a tight hug silently telling you everything was fine between both of you.


"I swear to god if you put on that damn bandanna I will come over there and cut off all of your hair" Harry was standing in font of the mirror checking himself out in his normal black jeans with a white tank top, he decided to get creative one night and took his old red plaid shirt and make a bandanna out of it. You thought the idea was cute at first when he would wear it to keep the hair from his face but now all it does is piss you off. "woah someone's having a mood swing" "I would'nt be having a mood swing if you weren't so damn aggravating." you spit back at him from the bed you were laying on."remind  me to not be near you anymore then" he replied in a joking matter but you were anything from joking. "thanks Harry that's real nice of you" you left the room and made your way to the kitchen to get a apple. "Y/N you know I didn't mean to get you mad. If you want me to stop wearing the bandanna then I'll throw it away right now but please don't be mad at me baby" he whispered into your ear through the many kisses he was giving you from your shoulder to your neck then cheek. Damn this boy and his charm. "you know its just the hormones. And don't throw the bandanna away its really sexy actually" he smirked at you and picked you up bridal style and carried you into the bedroom...;)


You were sitting on the floor in your bathroom crying your eyes out. You finished taking a shower and you were standing in front of the mirror in all but your bra and panties. Your hands were finding their way to your growing bump that now slightly stuck out. You honestly were in love with your belly and the baby that was growing inside of you. But you couldn't shake the feeling that you knew you were getting fatter and fatter by the day. You stepped onto the scale you had and it nearly broke your heart. I'm only three short months your body was able to gain 12 pounds. You couldn't help the tears form falling form your eyes because what if Liam noticed that you were gaining weight and he didn't want you anymore. What if he noticed that you were growing like a whale and decided to run of with a much more beautiful much more skinnier and much more fun girl? "WHY AM I SO DAMN FAT!!!" you couldn't help but scream your lungs out. Knowing no body would hear you or even care for that matter. "Hunnie? please open the door and let me in please" Liam knocked on the door. Why was he even here when he could have a supermodel? "Go away Liam you wouldn't understand" you chocked out a sob, you just couldn't take it anymore. "If you open the door maybe I  could help you hunnie" "why don't you just leave me? I'm a fat whale! so why don't you go find a gorgeous supermodel to have fun with?" you kept sobbing until you hear the door open in a rush. Liam pulled you into his lap while you cried into his neck. "you do know how madly in love I am with you so why would you think I'm leaving you? your having my child" he wiped some of the tears from your eyes with his thumb while he kissed your cheek. "because I'm gonna be fat Liam" "hunnie I don't care if you get fat, your pregnant that's what's supposed to happen because it's healthy for the baby please stop doubting yourself. I love you."


"ALL I TOLD YOU TO DO WAS FOLD THE LAUNDRY AND DO THE DISHED BUT NOOOO THATS SO BAD, LEAVE YOUR PREGNANT WIFE TO DO ALL YOUR CHORES WHILE I LET KING ZAYN SIT ON THE COUCH AND I MAKE HIM A DAMN SANDWICH" "WELL MAYBE IF MY LOVELY WIFE WOULD REMIND ME SOMETIMES TO DO SOME CHORES MAYBE I'D DO THEM" You and Zayn were in a full blown screaming match because he didn't do two of the chores you asked him to do around the house. You wouldn't have been this mad any other day but you've been asking hi for 3 days to do two simple tasks  but of course he wouldn't do them all he wanted to do was come home, ave you cook dinner and sleep. "I'M BEEN TELLING YOU TO DO THEM FOR 3 FUCKING DAYS CAN YOU NOT GET IT THROUGH YOUR THICK HEAD THAT THINGS NEED TO BE DONE YOU ASSHOLE" "OH I'M THE ASSHOLE BECAUSE I HAVE A JOB AND MAKE MONEY FOR US WHAT DO YOU DO Y/N" that hit you hard you and Zayn would never fight because it took alot for Zayn to get really angry but right now he was beyond angry and he was trying to hurt you for no reason. "You want to know what I do all day Zayn? ok lets start first I wake you up for work which take 20 minutes them I make you breakfast, then you leave me to a empty house that I clean almost everyday and maybe i'll organize some of your notebooks or maybe do some laundry or fold your clothes. But if that's not enough I go to the store to get things you need like shampoo or soap  and then I get home, to make you dinner. And when you come home you say hello to me and go up to the bedroom to take a nap until dinner is ready so yes Zayn your completely right I do nothing all day" by the time you were done with your speech Zayn face softened and he walked over to you "babe i'm so sorry I didn't" "why would you..".


"Why don't I make you your favourite dinner for you tonight sweetie?" you asked Louis in between giving him kisses to his neck."you know you don't have to love" he chuckled as his kissed your cheek back. "because you've been doing so well with the albums and everything and I'm proud so you deserve something special." "well if I deserve something special cant I just have you for dinner" he grabbed your bum in his hands and you moved away from his hold. He went off to work as you went into the kitchen to prepare his favourite meal. ** After five hours of cooking and making not only dinner but his favourite dessert you got dressed in a nice dress and lit candles around the table to make everything more romantic. You waited up for three more hours but of course there was no sign of Louis. You put the food into the fridge only because you might crave some later and you changed into you pyjamma's and sat on the edge of your bed just waiting for your lovely husband to show up. The door to the bedroom finally jiggled at 3:30 in the morning. He crawled into bed next to you an wrapped his arms around you. "Get off me Louis" "come on sweetie I want to cuddle with my gorgeous wife" "funny how now you want to cuddle  when I told you this morning I was going to make you dinner but do you come home? of course not you probably went out with the boys so yeah I'm a bit mad Louis" "I'm so so so so sorry Y/N I forgot I'm a total jack ass please forgive me, how about the whole rest of the week I come home early and make you dinner. Any thing my beautiful wife and my baby wants."

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