Pregnancy Series

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So I just decided to do this book because there aren't many preference books on Wattpad and I LOVE LOVE LOVE the whole idea of pregnancy with the boys. i think its to adorkable. I really hope you enjoy, this should be a 30 part preference book but if any of you have suggestions or concerns feel free to contact me through Wattpad or my twitter : @or_nah_Nialler . Here is a list of everything this Series will cover. Oh and if you want some preferences where the boys aren't famous I can do that for you lovely's. :)

#1. You find out.

#2. Telling him.

#3. Telling the family & the boys.

#4. First ultrasound.

#5. Your baby bump (your POV).

#6. Her baby bump (his POV).


#8. Mood swings.

#9. He goes away.

#10. The heart beat.

#11. Finding out the gender/ Gender reveal.

#12. Names/ Nick-names.

#13. Baby Shower.

#14. His post on Twitter.

#15. Godparents.

#16. The Nursery.

#17. Doubts.

#18. Worried/ A scare.

#19. Insecure.

#20. The 'Go' Plan.

#21. Hurting.

#22. He does something special.

#23. Your water breaks.

#24. Labor pt.1 'Getting there'.

#25. Labor pt.2 'In pain'.

#26. Labor pt.3 'Birthing'

#27. Meet the family.

#28. Daddy's letter.

#29. Mommy's letter.

#30. Bringing the baby home.

Like I said some of these you've probably seen before but these are totally from my head from my head. these aren't pre- written and tell my about your suggestions or if I forgot anything. Thank you so much and i REALLY hope you like this. Updates will start February 14th,2014 (Valentines Day) and be daily (cause i have the week off) till further notice. k I'm rambling. byee. <3 :)

Pregnancy SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now