#9. He goes away.

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OMFG its been soo long and im soo sorry. school has been a bitch but hopefully i'll have up to preference 11 done and up tonight. thx for understanding and enjoy.



He just got of the phone with his mom, and everything back in Mullingar were not so great. Theo was sick. very sick, and he had to be with his brother. He didn't want you to travel even though you told him you could. It was the day for him to leave for a week and he distraught and emotional He didn't want to leave you or the baby but he had to go see his family. The final kisses and hugs were shared and both sets of eyes shed tears. He called at least three times a day and you sent him pictures to him and he was OK. Theo got better as the days went on and in 8 days, your prince charming was back home by your side.


It was to go to Gemma's graduation. You wanted to go for Gemma and Anne but you weren't feeling very good so instead of spending countless hours in the car, you decided to stay at the apartment for the 3 days Harry would be gone. You already told him that your friend or one of the boys would come by to check up on you from time to time and even though he hated leaving you especially pregnant he still went. He called almost eight times a day and even though he was driving you crazy you loved that he cared so much. When he got back he got you a tiny tiger stuffed animal from his mom saying it uses to be Harry's when he was a baby.


His parents had just had their anniversary and he went back to Wolverhampton to celebrate their marriage with them. You wanted to come for the 4 days Liam would be gone but you had finals in College and since you would be done in only a month you couldn't afford to loose any days. You gave his mother a call wishing her and Geoff and very happy anniversary and explained the situation. Karen was a bit upset she wasn't going to see you or your growing bump but Liam promised to bring pictures. Before he left he made sure you would have everything you needed. He face timed you to say hello to his sisters and parents and even though you weren't physically there it still felt like you were.


It was for a mini pre tour. only 2 weeks with 8 shows to play. You were still early in your pregnancy and still could do almost everything on your own except pull of your jeans. He was gutted when he found out he would have to leave the both of you for a whole 14 days but he had to do it because management was going to let him have a full 8 months without any touring when the baby arrives. You helped him pack his suitcase with the things he needed and snuck in some picture of you and your belly with a shirt that smelled like you. He called you every morning and before a show, and face timed you after even of he was tired. He made the 14 day's apart only feel like 2.


It was for Doris and Ernest's {Louis new brother & sister} first birthday. Though Louis and Lottie were way older then the new family member's they and all the girls including you loved them to pieces. He would only be gone for 2 days and you planned on going with him but your mother had gotten the flu so you decided to go and help her get better. The girls were really upset they weren't going to see you or your baby bump  but they understood. When it came to sing happy birthday to the twins he called you on face time and you snag along with them. You overhear his mom say that you would  be a wonderful mother when your baby arrived.

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