#34.Meet The Family

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Laying back on the bed, your limbs were still incredibly sore only having your son yesterday. "Greg is gonna come by in a bit to see Keian here." Niall whispered, touching the skin of your son's tiny hand. Not that much later there was a knock on the door, Greg with Denise strolled in smiling wildly. "So here's the little man" Greg chucked. "How you feelin' Y/N" They were sitting on the edge of the bed, Greg in a conversation with Niall, probably about his new position in fatherhood. "I'm doing alright, still sore but I got my boys so I think i'll be fine." Yeah, Keian will fit right in to the perfect little family that calls themselves the Horan's.


Your wonderful boy Landon was born only three hours ago, but you and Harry already had a long list of people that wanted to see his cute little face. Harry wanted a bit of privacy with the loves of his lives at the moment. Just wanted to enjoy every moment with his new family as he could, but then he realized just how selfish he was being. Anne was the first one let in, with your mom of course. Instantly it was like a moth to a flame,ooing and ahhing. They looked into your sons green eyes, laughed when Landon started to make little noises, the lot. "You guys did a really good job on him. A true heartbreaker."


Its in the early hours of the morning when the godparents of your twins come into the hospital room. Ruth, Nicola, Andy, and Niall all came in ever so quietly. Liam was sitting with you on the bed, your head resting on his chest, your newborn twins resting in their hospital cradles for the time being. "Hows mummy and daddy doing?" Ruth asked "tired and sore for me" you chucked. "Can we hold them?" "Yeah just be careful with them" Liam replied getting off the bed to supervise them. Liam wouldn't let anything happen to his family and knowing that you dosed off to a light sleep.

Not long after your daughter was cleaned up and rested on your chest, the grandparents came in. Zayn was still smiling widely patting down the stray aways of your hair watching as your mother and father as well as well as Trish and Yaser came walked to each side of you. A series of "when can I hold her" "look how adorable she is" "she is going to be so spoilt" and "she looks just like you" all came from the people admiring the little girl in your arms who was not the apple of their eye. "You all will get your chance to hold Mia, I promise but for right now we all need some sleep. So we'll like, see you in the morning." Zayn told them as he ushered the loving grandparents out the door.

Lou was holding his girls in his strong arms, looking down at them with as much love as they both were looking up at him with. Your heart almost exploded from the amount of love you felt looking at your family. Not too long after all of the Tomlinson girl rushed in, flocking to Lou and the twins. "Move, were the godmother's we get to see them first" Lottie and Fizzy were up front lightly touching their face and hands. "Girls calm down, you will all get to hold them, just wait their very tiny alright" Lou chuckled. Looking at this moment you couldn't wait to watch your family grow bigger and bigger.

This was a lot better but my work didn't save the first time 😒 anyway sorry this is short I just really wanted to update for you all. Also THAK YOU SO MUCH for 69.1K reads and 1.1K votes your all amazing and I love you xoxoxo 💕💕😘😘

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