Evil, I

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      I have always been fascinated at how evil works. I had always wondered to what extent of evil could we humans attain. They always told me that in every person, there is good. But if there's the potential for everyone to be good, then there's also a potential for evil in everyone. They say that in every house and in every person there is light. We can simplify it to as just a person is just one room with a fluorescent light bulb in it. I've always hated this kind of positive thinking. You see, if you're gonna rant about good and light and all that shit then you shouldn't have loopholes in your words of wisdom. Why am I saying this you ask? It's because that in every room, there's a certain part of that room that is not reached by that light, be it behind the furniture or underneath the bed, no matter how hard you try it cannot be breached by this "light." But try turning off the lights, and observe how every nook and cranny--how every possible crevice is engulfed in darkness. Such it is so in the human psyche. Light can only reach so far, and as for darkness.... Well, let's just say that we haven't really encountered people who have gone to the limits of evil. The limits of Pure Evil.

I've also found it funny that people blamed the killers and what they've done, but has anyone thought about blaming the society that molded the very mind of that killer. The same society that has abandoned people and encased their hearts in a stone mold. Noooo--It's always the killers fault that's why they turned out that way..... They have decided on blaming others for their own mistakes, their own cruelty. They try and make us believe that there's still good in this world. I believe so too... Not pure good but a tainted and stained version of what they reveal to be evil, they probably haven't even grasped the cusp of PURE EVIL. It was never our fault to start with, we just liked the thought and went with it. Our blood and the blood that we spilt are on your hands........ Ha! Things have a funny way of ending, right?

Stick around because this is my class, and these are my students who've failed miserably and ended up in dead ends... literally. 

Oh fuck.... I forgot to introduce myself, sorry sometimes I get carried away with my ramblings. I like to rant on about the kind of shit I've mentioned above. I won't put erotica or any of that here, people have begged me not to, and if I'm anything I'm a man of my words--Oops--Anyway, I am called by many names but I prefer to be called EVIL.


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