Evil, I

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Have you ever thought about how much your dad--err I mean father loves you? Can you even fathom the kinds of sacrifices he'd make just for you--just to give you a life worth living? Have you even thought about what he feels now--let me re-state that, have you even said a simple 'thank you' to him? If not then I suggest you do that now before you read this following story. You just never know what kind of things your father will do out of love for you--oh and bitch, get your mind outta the gutter--when I mean LOVE, I don't mean lust or infatuation. That's just gross, I mean I know I'm EVIL, but that's just repulsive even to me.

Hmm.... I seem to be rambling again. What I actually meant was that 'Do you know to what extent a father's love can do?' Can you even imagine him--your own dad-- killing someone just because he loves you oh so much? Oh, what's that? You don't think that your father is ever capable of killing a fly, let alone another person? Well, these are the times of great EVIL and even the purest form of love can grow to something that my next student never expected. Join a father named, Chaniel Hernandez, a father for prolly about four to five years or something like that. He has a daughter named Chantalle. He is a writer, and judging by his salary not a famous one at all. His works are ingenious yet because this world is cruel, he and his works are not taken seriously. Let see how much this crazy lil' piece o'shit called love can push someone to the edge....

Especially a father...

Yours Truly,



P.S. Just wait for actual story to come out because I'm a slow typer, but until then: KEEP ON LIVING FUCKERS

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