Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

All the food in Chloe's stomach soured the second they arrived at the awards show. Outside the black Escalade they drove up in, people screamed. The emotion and activity crammed into one single area in front of the amphitheater could be felt blocks from where the action actually happened.

                Her first official public appearance as Anonymous.

                She literally felt like she could throw up.

                On top of that, this morning while she'd been getting ready, between the hair stylist, the manicure, and the final dress fitting her phone beeped with a new message.

                You better not have a date. It had read. I don't want to have to kill anybody.

                Even now, hours later, the word kill sank and branded itself into the back of her eyelids. Someone was officially making it their business to stalk her. The only problem was...who is it? And why?

                She'd been so close to telling Jackson about it, but not only did she not want to ruin the excitement of the day, but it probably was someone just messing with her.

                She couldn't bring more problems to her family. Haven't they suffered enough?

                Next to her, Ethan squeezed her hand. "You okay?"

                The car rolled to a stop and her stomach lurched with it. "Yeah." She swallowed. "You sure you want to do this?"

                Ethan smiled gently. "I've been waiting to declare our relationship since I found you again."

                From across the car, Eli groaned. "Please save it guys."

                Jackson clutched the steering wheel loosely. He unbuckled his seatbelt. "Just remember: dating. Not mates."

                The second Jackson stepped from the car, the crowd got louder.

                Ian whistled low under his breath. He sat on the side closest to the red carpet. "Holy crap."

                "You can say that again." Chloe said. From the tinted windows she could see all the hype of the people and the reporters and interviewers readying themselves.

                "Alright. 'Holy crap'." Ian said again, laughing. Jackson, deeming the area safe, opened the door.

                The screams flooded into the car.

                Chloe couldn't help but laugh at the absurdity of it all. Lordy, how did she get into this situation?

                Another Escalade pulled up behind them. It was now or never.

                Ian was the first one of them to step out, followed quickly by Eli. Chloe's ears burned at the sharp rise in girl's screams.

                "Ready?" Ethan looked at her.

                "I'm good."

                Ethan climbed out. "Prince Ethan!" The crowd screamed. He turned, gave a bright smile, and with relaxed ease, held a hand out to her.

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