Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

Waking up the next morning had been difficult. All Chloe really wanted to do was sleep for years and let the whole thing wash over her. In fact, if she hadn't promised Jackson they'd regroup this morning she would've definitely slept more.

Chloe rolled over, immediately noticing the empty side of the bed next to her. Ethan had gotten up early—his usual time—and left to join his father at a meeting. She knew his schedule and she also knew that if he wasn't at a meeting or fitting or some other type of political happening, he'd still be with her. Sleeping.

Well, he would have. But after last night, she really wasn't sure.

If she actually took the time to think about it, think about the things she'd done—or rather, didn't do—she wished she'd chosen otherwise. But the only way to fix the damage she'd done was to apologize to Ethan today and do her best to make sure nothing like this happened again.

I'm dragging them in again. Jackson and Ethan had spent years dealing with her kidnapping and the repercussions that came with it. She didn't blame Ethan for continuing with his daily schedule. Maybe he'd just let Jackson deal with this one while he moved on with his life.

Chloe got out of bed and got ready slowly. Jackson had mentioned getting together this morning, but he never said when. Surely he'd find something to do before she got there.

In the end she knocked tentatively on Jackson's office door at ten.

Avery let her in and ushered her to one of the two blue comfy seats in front of Jackson's desk. "Tea?" She asked.

Tea sounded perfect right now. "Yes please." Chloe said, and sat down.

Jackson—who had glanced up and gave her a tiny smile when she entered—set his coffee mug down. "Did you eat breakfast?" He asked her.

"No." She said, then shrugged. "But I'm not particularly hungry." Truth was, she'd been fighting nausea since her conversation last night with Ethan.

Jackson shot her a disapproving look, which she ignored, and pointed to the half-eaten bagel on his desk. "We had the kitchen drop off bagels. Help yourself."

Little things like that caught her off guard. At her old house, when she lived with Danika and Frank, any food she wanted she had to make herself. If it had any type of sugar, and sometimes gluten, she knew it would never be there. But living here spoiled her. The cooks were always in the kitchen, ready to make any type of food at the drop of a hat—calories and carbs be damned.

Moments later, Avery passed her a cup of green tea. "Thank you." Chloe said, blowing across the top of the liquid. "Jackson, when are we getting started?"

Her brother stapled a few papers together and dropped them into a yellow folder. "As soon as—"

The door opened behind them. Ethan waltzed in and greeted everyone then sat down.

Chloe stared at him like he had two heads. He acted like their argument last night never even happened. Surely he wouldn't at least be angry enough not to talk to her. That was, after all, what she had expected.

Although she also never expected him to show up this morning.

Ethan scooted forward in his seat, right down to business. "How do we control this situation as best as possible?"

Jackson stood and moved to look out the big window, arms crossed. "It depends on what type of stalker he is first." Her brother said. "In other cases, milder cases, ignoring him would have been fine. Obviously this guy—or girl for that matter—is not content to sit on the sidelines."

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