Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

            This one note was going to be the death of her.

            Chloe grabbed at her headphones until one ear slipped free. "Maybe I should try it in a higher octave?"

            About three feet away, Ethan sat cross legged with her laptop under his fingers. "If you want to." He clicked away at the editing software on the screen. "I feel like if you hold the second line of the bridge longer the end will just fall in place."

            Chloe bit her lip. Already the words and verses played through her mind, tangling themselves into a different melody. "Wait. I've got an do you feel about freestyle?"

            Ethan leaned back on his hands. "I can try a couple of guitar riffs if you want."

            "Perfect. That'd be great."

            He set the laptop down carefully on the marble floor and stepped over the microphone cords to snatch up his navy blue Fender electric guitar. Effortlessly, he slung the strap over his shoulder and picked up one of the amp cords to plug in the back.

            What Chloe planned on doing when they came to the Great Room to record didn't work out. In her head she'd imagined recording with her laptop and elevating her microphone. What actually happened was completely different. Earlier, Ethan had called up a couple of workers to help bring down the actual recording mic from the studio in the south wing as well as a few amps, his guitar, and a smaller scale analog mixer. So instead of Chloe's tiny little laptop and simple microphone, they now had a makeshift travel recording studio set up in the Great Room where anyone could come in.

            She knew Ethan had set up all the extra equipment because he wanted the best for her. But that didn't mean he had to go to all the trouble. Though she did appreciate it.

            Ethan picked at a few of the strings, which were quickly echoed by the amp. The navy blue guitar did wonderful things for his look. Not that the prince of Sarias didn't always look effortless. Today he wore a tight black tee and dark jeans that rode low over his hips. That, combined with the natural dark wave of his hair made one very nice appearance.

            A half smile worked over Ethan's face as he caught her staring. "What?"

            Chloe grinned. "Nothing." She replied innocently. "You look good today. "

            It was Ethan's turn to run his eyes over her. "I'd say the same, but 'good' is a word I'd never use to describe you."

            What? "Oh, really?" She had to admit her heart and her confidence took a small drop on that one.

            But Ethan's smile grew. "No, I'd say you look more than gorgeous today."

            Jeez, he was going to give her heart whiplash. "Okay, brownie points for that one."

            His eyes grew warmer. "Shall we get started?"

            "Sure." She grabbed at her head phones and held one next to her ear. "Want to run through again? From the beginning?"

            "Mmhm. I'll just improvise."

            "Good." Chloe stuck her tongue out at him playfully. "Don't make it sound too awesome."

            Ethan laughed. "What? Why not?"

            "Because then I have to give you more credit." She joked.

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