Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

            Ethan and Chloe ate breakfast the next morning with who Chloe liked to call, "the clothing coordinator for the ungodly rich," A.K.A. Chloe's assistant and her new intern, Lyle.

            Lyle was a shy fellow with messy brown hair. He didn't say much, always slinking about in the background. But that must've been exactly what Melena required because she never seemed to have any problem with it.

            "Your tuxedo has come in ahead of schedule," Melena said, scribbling notes down on her black clipboard. "I've talked with your assistant, Your Highness, and she cleared a time for next week to finish the fitting."

            "Sounds good, Melena." Ethan said, his hand finding Chloe's under the table as he picked at his omelet in front of him.

            The small showing of affection threw Chloe off. Although they'd grown close over the last few months, the idea of having a mate still seemed too unreal. She kept waiting and waiting for the shoe to drop, for someone to tell her that it was all a joke, that Frank Leighton wasn't dead.

            Slowly as the days passed on, she'd loosened her grip on that idea and carefully began to try and incorporate herself into this new world filled with rich mates, loving siblings, and fantastic support from fans.

            However, a lot of her old beliefs and practices still hung on tight. For example, the palace dining room. Usually Chloe went out of her way to avoid the room, but today Ethan convinced her to sit and experience his life. She just couldn't help but feel overwhelmed by the sheer opulence of it all. Granted, her old house that she lived in with Danika was luxurious, though not like this.

            The dining room table took over most of the room, its black marble glinting off the light from the crystal chandelier above them. The light grey walls were used to model large canvases of paintings, some so popular Chloe thought they must've been stolen straight from a museum. The twenty seat table always had the finest gold-encrusted china set and ready to serve. Even the silverware had a thick coat of gold on it.

            "I found a designer willing to hand-make your red carpet gown, Miss Chloe." Melena absentmindedly brushed some of her curly brown hair away from her black rimmed glasses. Rarely did the lady ever look away from her clipboard or blackberry phone. It was a wonder what color her eyes were. Chloe thought a pretty grey would suit her.

            Chloe'd never had a dress hand-made for her before. The offer itself both flattered and made her feel guilty. "Really?" She reached for her orange juice by her plate and asked, "How much?" before taking a drink.

            "A modest ten grand."

            Orange juice burst from her lips before she could stop it. Her eyes widened in shock and she scrambled out of her chair, cloth napkin in hand. "Oh God, I'm so sorry."

            Half of Ethan's face had been hit by the blast, but instead of being angry or upset like he should've been, he laughed.

            Blushing furiously, she reached forward with her napkin and mopped at his face. He gently took the soiled napkin and wiped his jawline. "See, this is why I shouldn't be here." She reasoned. "Ten thousand dollars? There's no way! A dress that expensive—And God, I just ruined your shirt—"

            "Chlo, really it's no big deal." He gave her a comforting expression.

            Chloe bit her lower lip and shook her head. "I'm sorry. I'm sure it'd be an awesome dress—"

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