//:Chapter Six = Preparation

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Michael’s eyebrows quirked up at Geoff’s words. There was a mixture a shock, surprise, and fear on his face for only a moment or two, before it returned to its usual arrogant state. Ray and Gavin had similar reactions, though their faces still held traces of fear after the initial shock.

The “leader” of Team Lads was quick to look Geoff in the eyes after his revelation though, his face one of cockiness as he responded.

“You’re on!”

A smile was quick to place itself on each of the Gents’ faces after that, Ryan explaining the details soon after.

“We don’t know where this is going to happen yet, but it’s going to be in about two to three weeks. We’ll send you the details as soon as we’re sure.”

The six men exchanged phone numbers, muttering slightly as they did, before they broke again into their two teams. They hadn’t noticed that the entire café had gone silent after the challenge was issued, but as Team Gents bade their opponents farewell and walked towards the exit of the café, they definitely heard the cheers and clapping of the rest of the clients in the expresso bar, who were extremely excited about the event.

The Gents’ Twitters were ablaze with activity after the duel was struck, both due to the team and their fans. People were posting pictures and videos of what had happened, (The Gents had no idea that so many fans of theirs had been at the café when they challenged the Lads), and the team members from both sides were getting the people fired up. The event was going to be huge.

Due to this, Jack was quick to get reservations for a spot for the event, finally, after a while, finding a nice spot made for tournaments and competitions like this. He reserved a date and got the ticket situation sorted out, posting just the date on Twitter to see how the masses would react.

The date was trending before anyone knew what was happening.

Geoff, on the other hand, was preparing training routines, which he ran with Jack and Ryan when they weren’t busy with all the preparation for the showdown.

Tickets were up a few days after the day of the duel was confirmed, and sold out in literally seconds.

#TeamGentsVSTeamLads was trending at the top spot for three weeks, and was most likely the most Tweeted thing on Twitter the day the duel took place.

Before that day though, a lot of training took place, both on the Lads and Gents side. The Lads had the advantage of being able to create more accurate strategies, since there was more information on the Gents than themselves, but the Gents had the advantage of more experience and preparation.

The masses were excited for the event, and so were the Teams, though each was nervous as well. They had everything to lose at this point. It was first or nothing. Second, or any other place, wasn’t an option any more.

As the day ticked closer though, and practices became more intense, Ryan created how the duel would work. It was best two out of three rounds, each round being a different game mode, with said game modes being picked randomly. It was the Anarchy Leaderboard in its truest form.

It was truly the most fitting way for an event like this to go down.

There was no other way to do it, and both teams knew it in their hearts that this was true, and that this showdown was inevitable.

One of them would fall.

Game Over - An Achievement Hunter and Ray Narvaez Jr. FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now