R01 ⋅ Jealous (DouxAn)

166 4 2

Request 01: xXShadowHolderXx


She knows that he's a flirt.

She knows that he doesn't mean it but somehow, seeing him flirt with other young maidens makes her upset. They are not even together and yet she feels jealous that he gives attention to other girls. It hurts that he flirts with other girls. Though, it's not like she can say anything. It is only the twelfth century after all.

Anthea runs her fingers through her long blonde hair to detangle it. Then, she loosely braids it before tying her scarf around it to hold her fringe out of her face.

He saved her once, but that was only because his master told him to. Since then, Merlin has tried to give her some lessons with Douxie on how to control her magic. However, she always gets pulled away by her aunt to complete her chores or run an errand. She wants to speak to Douxie more— she wants to be around him more, but her duties take up too much of her time.

Anthea huffs and looks at her reflection in the slightly cracked mirror. Her appearance will have to do. Who cares what she looks like? She's a kitchen maid.

Anthea takes up her nearly flat harvesting basket and steps from her quarters out into the hall.

On her way to the castle gardens, Anthea passes by a few of the other maids, some were giggling and showing off their love letters and poems from their courtiers or lovers to each other and Anthea's heart aches. No one has sent Anthea anything or even tried to court her.

She rounds the corner and freezes. Then, she quickly steps back behind the corner. Douxie is at the end of the other hall with two of the other maids who Anthea knew as Layla and Ophelia. They were speaking in soft whispers and were standing fairly close together.

Two at a time? He's flirting with both of them? Anthea feels her face flush pink in anger. The gall!

She fixes her basket on her arm and turns away from the hall. She'll just take the long way to the gardens today. It'll be better than dealing with someone who doesn't care for the feelings of others.


The gardens were pleasantly peaceful and lacking most other people. The only person Anthea could see was the old gardener named Launfal who she has come to look up to as an uncle or perhaps a father-figure.

The man is perhaps in his late forties, but he looks older due to his greying, light brown hair and smile wrinkles in the corners of his eyes. Even so, his observant, hazel eyes still contain the joy and delight of a child.

"Good morning, Launfal!" Anthea greets cheerily while trying to rid herself of her jealous, angry thoughts.

"G'mornin'," He calls back with a smile and stands, "How are ya this blessed mornin', dear?"

"I am well," Anthea replies, "My aunt has sent me to collect a few items for the King's breakfast."

"Is that so?" He asks, wiping the dirt from his hands on his stained trousers, "Ya've come at th'right time! Ah just finished pickin' to-day's best fruits."

Anthea smiles, "Wonderful! What do we have today?"

Launfal steps over to a few baskets lined up not too far from the plants with Anthea following close behind him. Several of the smaller baskets are filled with fresh strawberries, blueberries, and raspberries. The rest of the baskets are larger and contain apples, oranges, and plums.

"These look great, Launfal," Anthea grins, kneeling down to look over the baskets. She begins filling her own basket with the assortment before her. Three apples first, then a plum for herself later. Then, she take tugs out of a couple of the extra handkerchiefs from below those fruits to hold the berries.

"Thank ya, dear," He replies, picking out a bright red apple. He wipes it on his tunic before cutting a piece from it with the short knife that he always carried with him. He studies her for a moment before speaking again, "Ah've got a feelin' that there is somethin' weighin' on yer mind."

Anthea sighs, "Is it that obvious?"

"Only 'cause ah know ya," He answers.

Anthea places a few more berries into a handkerchief before turning to the man beside her.

He reads her expression immediately, "Yer in love."

"Don't say it like it's common knowledge!" She stands abruptly, spilling a few berries from a nearby basket.

Launfal laughs, "Yer jealous, too."

Anthea scoffs.

"I can see it in yer expression. Don't try to deny it, dear," He steps closer and places a hand on her shoulder, "Want'a talk about it?"

"No..." Anthea replies, not pulling away, "Maybe."

Launfal pats her shoulder then takes her basket and sets it down beside the others. Afterward, he guides her to a closed crate to sit on.

Once their both seated, Launfal sighs, "So, what's botherin' ya?"

Anthea fidgets with her hands before exhaling, "...Douxie."


"He keeps flirting with other girls, sometimes more than one at once. I know that he doesn't like me romantically, but ever since he saved me, I... I've come to like him. I just wish that he didn't flirt with other girls so much."

Launfal nods, "Ah don't think that boy is flirtin' with other gals."

"What do you mean?" Anthea questions, her nerves are evident in her voice.

"'Ave ya ever thought that those other gals are flirtin' with 'im?"

Anthea looks down at her hands, "No- no..."

Launfal pats her shoulders, "I've known Hisirdoux for a few years now. The boy has had the unfortunate task of milkin' the Slor many a time. Ahve actually had to teach 'im how the first couple o'times since the Master Wizard never showed 'im how to."


"What ahm tryin' ta say is: 'isirdoux is not that type o'person. 'E's an attractive boy to many gals, but he will only 'ave one on 'is mind."

"Who would that be?"

"Yue'll figure it out event'ally."


The man laughs, "Should'ant ya be gettin' back to yer aunt?"

Edited 09/04/2023

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