10. The Final Secret

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Genevieve couldn't focus during the Welcome Back feast, as her mind was on the vision she'd had in Hogsmeade. So she barely paid any attention to the new Slytherin's that joined her table.
Tom couldn't help but notice her strange disinterest in the feast, even though they were not sat next to each other, so when they entered their common room, he cornered her.
"What's wrong?" He demanded.
"Nothing. Anyway, we really should be helping the other Prefects with the new Slytherin's" reminded Genevieve.
"They can manage without our help for one night. I want to know what's up with you. You were fine on the train, so what's happened to you, between then and now?" Asked Tom.

"I just had one of my migraines, that's all" lied Genevieve.
Tom rolled his eyes, "You know that no one believes you when you say that. If you really had bad migraines, the nurse would give you something for them. But you've never been to the hospital wing".
"You don't know that" replied Genevieve, defensively.
"Yes, I do. We spend every day together, so I know what you get up to, and you never go to the hospital wing to receive treatment for migraines... We tell each other everything, so why are you hiding this from me?" Questioned Tom.

Genevieve sighed, "Do you really want to know the truth?".
"Yes" answered Tom.
"And you promise not to tell anyone else?" Quizzed Genevieve.
"I would never tell anyone else one of your secrets" promised Tom .
"Come with me then" said Genevieve, as she took hold of Tom's hand and pulled him out of the common room, and into the labyrinth of tunnels.

Once she'd made sure that they were alone, she faced Tom.
"You're the only one who knows my real surname, so you are the only one I can tell about this... I don't know if you've heard, but Gellert Grindelwald is a seer" revealed Genevieve.
"So, there is seer blood inside you?" Asked Tom, who was unable to hide the excitement in his eyes.
"Yes. My mother never had the gift, but I do. It's why I have Heterchromia, the two are linked in my family. If you have what we call the golden eye, you are likely to be a seer as well" explained Genevieve.

"Does this mean you can see the future?" Quizzed Tom curiously.
"To some extent. I'm no prophet, but sometimes I do get visions of the future. I can't usually tell what they're about, especially the first time I have one. And I don't have that many. I barely have one a year. They don't usually make a lot of sense, as they contain people and places that are unfamiliar to me. My visions aren't useful like my Uncle's, he is so much more powerful than me. In fact, he even foresaw this war that the Muggles are currently fighting against each other. I've never seen anything as important as that" admitted Genevieve.
"What did you see in the vision you had today?" Asked Tom.
"I don't know. Like I said, I never understand them. All I saw was a dark and spooky chamber, and then in a different room full of sinks, I saw a screaming girl who's face was hidden from me. That's all I could make out".

"Why did you never tell me about this before?" Questioned Tom.
"Because I know you Vee. You are just as ambitious as Gellert. And I didn't want you to find out about my visions, because I didn't want you to use me. I knew that you'd find it beneficial to be friends with a seer. And I didn't want us to just be friends, because I sometimes see the future. I wanted you to like me, for me, and not because I can be of use to you. If my visions were of any use to anyone, my uncle would have kept me at his side. The fact that he sent me away, proves that I'm unlikely to ever see anything useful. Which is why I didn't see the point in telling you about my visions" answered Genevieve.

Tom rested his hand on Genevieve's shoulder, making her heart flutter.
"I would never use you, Gen. I care a lot about you. I think I would even care about you, if you were the worst witch in our year and not the best. It is your personality I love, not your gifts. Knowing that you are a seer, doesn't change anything between us" reassured Tom.
"But now you know the truth, you are going to interrogate me after every vision I have, and you're going to keep asking me if I've had a vision lately. It's not your fault, it's just human nature. We all want to know what the future holds for us" sighed Genevieve.

Tom placed his second hand onto Genevieve's other shoulder, closing the gap between them.
"I will not force answers out of you, I promise. I might enquire about what you saw after you have a vision, but after that I will drop the topic, and never mention it again. I will never ask you if you've had a vision" said Tom softly.
"You promise?" Asked Genevieve.
"Yes, I promise" answered Tom.
Genevieve couldn't hear herself think, because her heart was beating so loudly, at having Tom that close to her.

"Thank you" mumbled Genevieve.
"You're welcome... You know, someone with your gifts should have definitely taken Divination" teased Tom.
Genevieve rolled her eyes, "Just because I can occasionally see the future, it doesn't mean that I'm any better at palm reading or crystal gazing than anyone else".
"Probably a good thing that you didn't take the class, since I've heard it's a waste of time"
"It's completely pointless, which is why I didn't take the subject. Ancient Runes is far more interesting, and actually useful"
"It's also a class that we get to share together".

"We share all of our classes, since we chose to do the same subjects as we didn't want to be parted... I'm glad that I've finally told you the truth about me. There are now no more secrets between us" smiled Genevieve.
"I'm not so sure about that. There is something more, something else that you are hiding from me. I can see it in your eyes" revealed Tom.
"You can't read my mind like you can everyone elses, because I'm not as weak as them. I have built barriers in my mind, because I know how gifted you are at Legilimancy" reminded Genevieve.
"I'm not trying to read your mind, which is why I asked you what you are keeping from me, instead of attempting to break into your head".

"I can't tell you what I'm thinking" said Genevieve defiantly.
"And why's that?" Frowned Tom.
"Because it will change things between us, and ruin our friendship" answered Genevieve.
"There is nothing you could say that would destroy our friendship"
"This would, trust me"
"How can you be so sure?"
"Because it's to do with how I feel about you".
Tom lowered his arms, and took a step closer to Genevieve, forcing her back against the dungeon wall.
"And how do you feel about me?" He asked, his voice no more than a whisper.

"I- I care a lot about you" stuttered Genevieve.
"And I care about you too" replied Tom.
"No, you don't understand what I mean"
"I think I do. I can see it in your eyes"
"What can you see?".
Tom said nothing, instead he placed his hand around Genevieve's face, cupping her cheek.
"I see lust" murmered Tom.
"It's more than that... I- I think I love you" revealed Genevieve.
"Both of us grew up without that, therefore do not know its effects. So how can you be sure that what you feel for me, is love?" Questioned Tom.

"All I know is that I want you, with every inch of my being. I want your body. And I feel sick at the thought of another girl spending time with you. I know you don't look at other girls in that way, which is why I never brought up my feelings before now, even though they've been present for nearly a year" informed Genevieve.
"I see. And you thought me incapable of reciprocating these feelings of love, which is why you kept them hidden?" Quizzed Tom.
"You said yourself that you don't do love" reminded Genevieve.
"I was merely questioning you, to see exactly how you felt about me, to see if these feelings are in deed that of love. I didn't say that we are incapable of feeling such things".

"Now that you know how I feel, what happens now?" Asked Genevieve.
"I don't know... If I told you, that I also can't stand the thought of another man touching you, what would you say? And what would you do if I revealed that I can't get you out of my head, even when we are together?" Questioned Tom.
"I would ask you if you wanted to kiss me" Genevieve said quietly.
Tom paused for a moment, as if weighing up his options.
He then pushed his body against Genevieve's, and kissed her hard on the lips.
Genevieve felt the world around her melt away, as her lips met Tom's.

Eventually the pair drew apart and Tom removed his hand from Genevieve's face.
"And now you belong to me" he whispered.
"I think I've always belonged to you, I just never knew it until now" admitted Genevieve.
"We will make our relationship public, that way no one will ever think about looking at you, or touching what belongs to me" announced Tom.
"I wouldn't have it any other way. I am yours, and you are mine, for now and always".

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