41. Top Dogs

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Genevieve and Tom spent a wonderful month or so in the ruins of Ravenclaw's castle.
They had to travel to the Muggle town at least twice a week for supplies. But aside from that, they were alone together for the first time, and were completely self-sufficient.
Genevieve enjoyed wearing the diadem, until Tom eventually turned it into a Horcrux. After that, she didn't want to wear it anymore, for it felt strange and dark.
When they reached the last week of the holidays, they began apparating short distances until they reached Genevieve's home in Bulgaria, as they couldn't make the trip in one jump.

"Soot" beamed Genevieve, when her black cat came trotting over to her.
She gave him a quick hug before putting him back down on the ground.
"Is it really safe for me and my Horcrux to stay here all week?" Asked Tom nervously.
"Of course, you're with me, so you'll be fine. And we will lock the diadem upstairs in a minute, so that no one can touch it" reassured Genevieve.

"I was only here for one night last time, and we didn't see any of your uncle's followers. Aren't we likely to see some of them if I'm here all week?" Questioned Tom.
"Possibly. But I wouldn't worry too much about it. They'll probably just assume you've joined the cause. And you'll be at my side, so everyone will know that you're with me. Besides, the chances are that we won't see more than one person, as there's always someone who watches over the house when no one's here. Setä also believes that I've been here all summer, so he won't have planned any meetings here during that time. Which means that aside from maybe a couple of servants, the place will be empty while we are here" admitted Genevieve.

"So, we won't see your uncle at all?" Quizzed Tom.
Genevieve sighed, "Maybe. I expect he'll return on the last day, to say goodbye to me. But if you're worried about meeting him, you could just hide in my room".
"I am not afraid of anything. Lord Voldemort does not hide from anyone... But out of curiosity, what does he know about me?" Questioned Tom.
"Um, not much. We don't exactly chat very often. I might have mentioned that you opened the Chamber of Secrets, but I don't think he believed me. He also knows that you're smart, and a Slytherin Prefect" answered Genevieve.

"Does he know that we are lovers, or merely friends?" Asked Tom.
"He knows that we are in love, because I accidentally let it slip once" admitted Genevieve.
"Great. Let's hope he's not angry with me for taking your virginity and making you mine" replied Tom.
"Don't worry. He doesn't care about me enough, to concern himself with matters like that..." Genevieve faltered as she saw several letters on a nearby table, that had her name on.
She approached the table, and saw that one of the letters had Tom's name on.
"It's our Hogwarts letters" she mumbled.

Tom smiled and picked up the letter addressed to him, "This must contain our Head boy and girl instructions".
"You don't know for sure that we've been picked" replied Genevieve, who was too nervous to touch her own letter.
"Don't be thick, there's no way Dippet chose anybody else" admitted Tom.
"I've got no doubts that you've been made Head boy. But I'm too scared to open mine. I don't want to let you down, by not getting chosen" Genevieve said quietly.
"You could never let me down".

Inspired by Tom's confidence in her, Genevieve took hold of her letter.
In unison the pair ripped open their envelopes and began reading their letters.
"I don't believe it. I've been chosen as Head girl" squealed Genevieve, as she tipped the contents of the envelope out onto her hand.
She then smiled as she looked at her new Head girl badge for the first time.
"I knew it" replied Tom, as he attached his own Head boy badge to his clothes.
"We did it" smiled Genevieve, before throwing herself into Tom's arms and hugging him tight.

"I'm not interrupting anything, am I?".
Genevieve sprung out of Tom's arms and looked to the door, where Gellert was standing with his arms folded.
"What are you doing here?" Snapped Genevieve defensively.
"Last time I checked, this was still my home, and I was very suprised to see it empty when I came back, as you were supposed to be here" replied Gellert, as he began to walk towards them.
"But you're never here, so you can hardly call it your home. You weren't even here when I came back from Hogwarts for the holidays this year. Which is why I didn't stay. Instead, I went travelling for a bit"
"You told me you didn't want me around, so I didn't think you'd want to see me when you got home"
"Despite what I said, I still expected to see you here, when I took that Portkey".

"Well, what's done is done, I can't change the past. But we're being rude, it appears we have a guest" said Gellert, as he looked at Tom.
"This is Tom, my boyfriend" revealed Genevieve.
"So, this is the mysterious Tom Riddle. I've heard a lot about you" admitted Gellert.
"And I you" informed Tom, bodly.
Back in Britain, Tom felt like the most powerful person alive. But here he was meeting someone who was doing the one thing he wanted to do; take over the world.
So Tom felt the need to assert his own power and dominance, by standing up straight, and not backing down, even though Gellert was glaring at him.

"Really? And what has my niece told you about me? For I wasn't aware that anyone knew her real surname or her connection to me" said Gellert coldy.
"Tom's known my true identity since the beginning" confessed Genevieve, as she tried to get Gellert's attention back to her and away from Tom.
"I see you don't understand the meaning of the word secret. Do all of your little friends know who you really are?" Questioned Gellert.
"No, just Tom".

"What makes this boy so special then?" Asked Gellert.
"I love him, and have done ever since we first met. I never wanted to keep secrets from him, so he knows everything about me, and I know everything about him" informed Genevieve.
"Love doesn't always work, Gen" Gellert said quietly, allowing his anger to fade.
"What do you know about love? You've never been with anyone. Dumbledore may have loved you, but you never truly loved him in return. You always say that love is a distraction, which is why you've always been alone. So don't lecture me about love, when you don't understand the meaning of the word" snapped Genevieve.

"You know nothing. You are young. You don't know how the world really works" spat Gellert, his anger returning as Genevieve continued to argue with him.
"I know enough" insisted Genevieve.
"You don't even know who your own father is" reminded Gellert.
"That's not my fault. You never told me his name, and I have no memories of him"
"You never asked many questions about him, so clearly you had no interest in knowing about him, despite him being a part of you"
"He was dead, so why should I enquire about a dead man?"
"Because he isn't dead. He's very much alive".

Genevieve felt as if the world had stopped spinning, for it seemed like time had frozen.
She dropped the Head girl pin she had been holding tightly in her palm. Allowing it to fall to the ground, without making any attempt to stop it.
"What are you saying?" Questioned Genevieve.
Gellert sighed, "I can't say anymore".
"You can't just leave it there. I have to know who I am, and where I came from" demanded Genevieve.
"But you told me just now, that you already know everything. And you've mentioned on several occasions that you want nothing to do with your family. So why would I tell you who your father is, when you'd only hurt him like you've hurt me. Every time I try to get close to you, or show an interest, you push me away. I wouldn't wish my fate on anyone else".

"You have to tell me his name, or at least tell me why he didn't want me" begged Genevieve.
"All you need to know about him, is that he has no intention of ever being a part of your life. He does care about you though, which is why he decided to stay away. But you won't get anymore answers out of me. I swore to him and your mother, that I would never reveal his true identity. And I have no intention of ever breaking that promise" revealed Gellert.
"But I'm 17, I'm an adult now, and I deserve to be told the truth" insisted Genevieve.

"You do, but you won't get it from me... I'll go now and leave you alone, since that is what you want. Congratulations on being Head girl, and enjoy your last year at Hogwarts" mumbled Gellert.
"That's it? You're going to go now and not come back for the rest of the week?" Questioned Genevieve.
"I think it is the best thing for both of us. Take care Gen, and goodbye" replied Gellert.
Gellert apparated on the spot, leaving Genevieve with a mountain of questions that she knew she would never get the answers to, without Gellert's co-operation.

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