11. Perfect Pair

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Genevieve walked into the great hall the following morning for breakfast, with her hand in Tom's.
She saw lots of people whispering about them, and even the teachers seemed to be looking at them. She could swear that she even saw money exchange hands amongst the staff, as if they had been betting on Genevieve and Tom getting together.
"I hope no one thinks I've gone soft, now that I've got myself a girlfriend" said Tom, as he began to pull Genevieve towards the Slytherin table.
"If someone did think that, you would get the chance to prove them wrong. And I know you enjoy being given the chance to show off how talented you are" replied Genevieve.

"If someone is foolish enough to think that me dating you, has made me a nicer person, then I look forward to correcting them" smiled Tom.
"I'm not exactly a weak feeble female. I am strong like you, so people will think twice before messing with us. We've always been partners, and even though we're now officially a couple, I don't think that much will change about our relationship. People are still going to fear us" reassured Genevieve.
"I hope so, because my reputation means a lot to me"
"Yes, I know".

Tom kissed Genevieve's cheek before sitting down with his crowd of friends, and leaving Genevieve to join her roommates at the other end of the table.
As Genevieve sat down on the bench, she noticed that her friends mouths were wide open in shock.
"Something you'd like to say?" Questioned Genevieve, as she began filling up her plate with meat from the table.
"Yes, care to explain this little development to the rest of us" replied Artemis.
"There's nothing to say" lied Genevieve, who enjoyed withholding gossip from her friends.

"You walked into the hall holding hands with gorgeous Tom Riddle, and before he sat down he kissed you. So, what is going on between you two?" Asked Tessa.
"We may or may not be dating now" revealed Genevieve slyly.
Alexis squealed excitedly, "Really? That's so exciting".
"Keep your voice down" instructed Genevieve.
"When did this happen?" Questioned Eileen.
"Last night. He wanted to know why I was acting so weird around him, so I told him that I fancied him, and he said that he felt the same way about me" answered Genevieve.
"I can't believe you actually had the guts to tell him how you felt" admitted Eileen.
"I didn't think I'd ever be brave enough to tell him, but it's so hard to lie to Tom, so I just had to tell him the truth".

"Aww, it's so cute. You guys are like the perfect couple" grinned Alexis.
"Thanks" replied Genevieve.
"It's true, you were made for each other. You're both popular, powerful and super clever. Not to mention both of you are Prefects together"
"It does kind of feel like we were meant to be together. I can't imagine myself being with anybody else. Whenever he looks at me or touches me, I feel butterflies in my stomach. Being around him makes me feel complete"
"That's adorable".

"Is he a good kisser?" Asked Tessa.
"That's none of your business. But yes, he is" informed Genevieve.
"I always kind of hoped that you two would remain friends and not become lovers, so that I could date him in the future. But I guess it's not to be" sighed Tessa.
"Don't get any ideas. He's my man, now and always"
"I won't get in the way, I promise. And even if you broke up, I would stay away from him, because I wouldn't want to go against the girl code and make things awkward between us, since we are friends and our friendship comes first"
"It's good to know that even Slytherin's can be loyal".

Slughorn came round a few moments later and handed the girls their 5th year timetables.
"Eugh, History of Magic first thing" groaned Artemis.
"What we learn in the class is interesting, it's just a shame that Professor Binns is the most boring teacher in all of Hogwarts" admitted Genevieve.
"At least we have Defense Against the Dark Arts straight after, to perk us up" replied Artemis.
Folded up with Genevieve's timetable was a note from Slughorn inviting her to his first Slug Club meeting at the weekend.
He had also included a piece of parchment that allowed her to access the restricted section of the library at any time.

Genevieve looked down the table to where Tom was sat, and he looked back at her, waving his own permission slip and Slug Club invitation.
Slughorn had given them both the same slip ever since their 3rd year at Hogwarts.
As far as they knew, they were the only students in the school, who were permitted to access the restricted section all year round.
All the other students had to get a slip every time they wanted to take a book out of that section of the library. But Tom and Genevieve could come and go as they pleased, provided they had their note from Slughorn with them.
This made it much easier for them to research dark subjects that were forbidden to other students, as they didn't have to do it in secret like they had done when they first arrived at the school.

"Looks like we've got Transfiguration last today" pointed out Tessa, bringing Genevieve's attention back to the present.
"Oh, great" mumbled Genevieve.
"What do you have against Professor Dumbledore?" Questioned Artemis.
"Nothing" lied Genevieve.
"You charm all the other teachers with ease, so why do you and him not see eye to eye?" Asked Artemis.
"It's a long story. Besides, I don't have to like all the teachers, do I?"
"No, I guess not. It's just a little weird seeing you behave differently in Transfiguration than you do in every other subject"
"Everyone has lessons that they prefer, and Transfiguration is not one of mine, so just drop it"
"Alright, fine, I was only asking. No need to bite my head off".

"Sorry, I didn't mean to snap. I just didn't get much sleep last night, so I'm in a bad mood" apologised Genevieve.
"I'm sure you and Tom were doing much more exciting things instead of sleeping" teased Eileen.
"We were just talking" insisted Genevieve.
"Sure you were" grinned Eileen.
Genevieve rolled her eyes and returned her attention back to her breakfast, which had begun to get cold. But despite its temperature, Genevieve ate it all, as she knew it was going to be a very long day, so she would need all the energy she could get.

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