50. The Truth Hurts

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Genevieve accompanied Dumbledore to Nurmengard, where Gellert was being held, later that day.
Dumbledore lied to the guards, and claimed that Genevieve's parents had been killed by Gellert, so she wanted to confront him.
When they reached the top floor of the prison tower, Genevieve saw Gellert sitting on the ground inside his cell. And he looked more defeated and broken than Genevieve had ever seen him look before.
He was the only one on that floor, as his captors didn't want him near anyone, since they wanted him to be completely alone, with no one to talk to.
Genevieve turned from Gellert and pointed her wand at the door she had just entered from, "muffliato".

"Smart" mumbled Gellert.
Genevieve turned back around and walked closer to the bars that separated her and her uncle.
"I didn't want anyone to overhear our conversation" admitted Genevieve.
"That's probably for the best" replied Gellert.
"I'll give you two some space" announced Dumbledore, as he made his way to the other side of the room.
"Thank you" murmered Genevieve, as Dumbledore passed her.

"I didn't expect to see you today" admitted Gellert.
"Why not? Didn't you think I'd want to see you?" Questioned Genevieve.
"Albus told me that you were injured, so I didn't think I'd see you for a while" explained Gellert.
"I'm fine. I just Splinched myself, that's all"
"It's not though, is it. Albus informed me that you were injured in the fight yesterday, before you apparated"
"My wounds weren't serious, so you don't need to worry about me"
"I'm sorry you got hurt. It was my job to protect you, and I failed"
"Yes, you did, but don't worry about it, I'll be alright. Anyway, no injury would stop me from coming to see you".

Gellert smiled, "I didn't know you cared so much".
"I don't really. We made a deal, remember. You swore that you would tell me who my father is, once the battle was over. Well, it looks pretty over to me. So, it's time to tell me the truth" informed Genevieve.
"You don't want to know the truth" mumbled Gellert.
"Yes, I do. I can't go on living, not knowing who my father is. Besides, if you can tell Dumbledore, then you can tell me too. It's the least you can do after keeping this secret from me my whole life. You promised you would tell me, so let's hear it. Who is my father?".

"Haven't you figured it out yet? I would've thought it was obvious... Your father is me" revealed Gellert.
His words hit Genevieve like a tonne of bricks, and she didn't know what to say.
"I thought you would have put the pieces together eventually. You have Heterchromia, and visions of the future, just like me. And Adèle never even had a boyfriend, so I assumed that one day you would figure out the truth" continued Gellert.
"Wait. Stop. Just hold a minute. Is Adèle still my mother?" Asked Genevieve.
Gellert scrunched in disgust, "Of course not. What kind of sick question is that? She was my sister, not my lover".

"Lots of pure-blood families marry their cousins and their siblings, to keep the blood lines pure" Genevieve said quietly, as her thoughts turned to the Gaunt family.
"Well in my family, we do not sleep with our sisters. And Adèle was never interested in the company of men anyway" insisted Gellert.
"Good to know... But if she wasn't my mother, then who was?" Questioned Genevieve.
"Her name was Maria" answered Gellert.
"And her surname?"
"It's not important"
"It is to me... She wasn't a Muggle was she?"
"Don't be disgusting".

"Then who was my mother?" Demanded Genevieve.
"Maria's last name was Elodine" answered Gellert.
"I guess that explains why my middle name is Elodie. Why did you try and hide her last name from me?" Asked Genevieve.
"Because, even though her last name is not important, her family is. You can trace her family back to Rowena Ravenclaw"
"That's impossible. Rowena had one daughter named Helena, who died childless"
"Yes, but Rowena herself was not an only child. She had a younger sister, who lost her surname when she married".

Genevieve suddenly realised why she felt so attached to Ravenclaw's diadem. It was because she herself, was a Ravenclaw.
"How on earth did you track down a descendant of the Ravenclaw family?" Quizzed Genevieve.
"I didn't" revealed Gellert.
Genevieve frowned, "I don't follow".
"I didn't find her, she found me" explained Gellert.
"She wanted to join my cause. She wanted wizards and witches to rise above the Muggles, and live openly"
"Where is she then? And why have I never heard of her?"
"She died, a long time ago".

"Didn't she want me either then? I understand you not wanting a child, but did she not want one either?" Asked Genevieve.
"She did, she was looking forward to having you. It was just me she didn't want around. Maria was going to take you, and raise you away from me, because she stopped believing in my and our cause" revealed Gellert.
"You didn't kill her to stop her leaving did you?" Questioned Genevieve.
Gellert jumped to his feet, and approached the prison bars, "Of course not, I loved her. And I was going to let her leave me, if that is what she wanted. Because all I wanted was her to be happy".
"Then how did she die?" Demanded Genevieve.
"She died because you killed her" revealed Gellert.

Genevieve backed away from the cell, and pressed her back against the wall.
It was then that she realised why her and Tom felt so alike. They had both unintentionally killed their mothers in childbirth.
"Why didn't you raise me yourself, after she died? Is it because you hated that I'd killed the woman you loved?" Asked Genevieve.
"Of course not. I do not hate you Gen... Maria had forced me to see that my way of life was not suited to a child. My world was dangerous, so to respect her wishes, I tried to keep you out of it. I gave you to my sister, so that I could watch over you but still keep my distance. And since Adèle would never have her own children, she agreed fo raise you. Of course, when Adèle died, I had to become your guardian. But I still didn't let myself get too close to you, because I didn't want you getting hurt because of my cause. I kept my distance from you, because I cared so much about you, and I wanted you to have a normal life without me" informed Gellert.

Genevieve couldn't take anymore, so she slid down the wall until she had reached a sitting position on the floor.
"You've lied to me my whole life" she whispered, as she placed her head into her hands.
"I had to. If the world knew of your existence, you wouldn't have had a normal life. All the countries in Europe would have wanted to capture you, to try and get to me. You never would have been able to go to school and make friends if everyone knew you were my daughter. I know you didn't want to go to Hogwarts at first, but you love it there. You even got yourself a boyfriend. None of which would have been possible, if I'd rasied you myself. Besides, I was also a very busy man, so Francis would have ended up looking after you either way" admitted Gellert.

Genevieve looked up at Gellert, and for the first time, she saw the real him, without the facade he normally had up around himself.
He wasn't an uncaring uncle, but a father who just wanted to keep his only daughter safe, because of her mother's wishes.
"My whole life is a lie" sniffed Genevieve, as she tried to hold back the tears.
"No it's not. You've always known that we were related, and since I was your guardian, I was practically your parent. So it really doesn't change that much" replied Gellert.
"Knowing that you are my father, and that the woman I believed to be my mother is in fact my aunt, changes everything. Maybe not for you, because you've known the truth all along. But for me, this knowledge has turned my world upside down" admitted Genevieve.
"I'm sorry. I never wanted to tell you the truth, but you insisted that I told you. I knew you wouldn't like the truth once you'd heard it. But as always, you claim to know best-"
"Just shut up!".

Dumbledore walked over to Genevieve and crouched down by her side.
"Don't let this knowledge change you. To everyone at Hogwarts, you are Miss Genevieve Walden. You're the beautiful and brilliant Slytherin Prefect and Head girl. Everyone looks up to you, even some of the teachers. Being Gellert's daughter doesn't change any of that. And I will never tell anyone the truth, you have my word" Dumbledore said calmly.
"You promise that no matter what I do, you will never tell anyone that he is my father?" Asked Genevieve.
"Yes, I promise" reassured Dumbledore.
Genevieve nodded and stood up, "Well then, I think it's time we headed back home to Hogwarts".

"Gen, don't leave me" begged Gellert, as he gripped hold of the bars.
"I have to, I can't stay here. And I won't be able to use any of your safe houses soon, because the Ministry will sieze them" replied Genevieve, as she began to head towards the door.
"You'll come back though, right?" Questioned Gellert.
"They don't exactly allow visitors in prisons. I'm only here now, because everyone is in awe of Dumbledore, for defeating you, and will do whatever he says. I won't be able to write to you either, because they don't allow owls in here"
"Promise me that you will come back one day. I don't care how or when you do it, but just promise me that I will see you again".
Genevieve looked over her shoulder back at Gellert, and sighed, "Alright, I promise".

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