02 | Phone Call

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Carlos Romano POV

Just now finishing paperwork after a long tiring day in my office. I made sure to get off at a decent time and have a family dinner, but then there was always a special someone missing....


The house was so much cheerful and helpful when they was here but now it is not the same. We used to interact like a normal family but things have changed since there mother kidnapped them while we was all sleeping in the mansion.

When the twins were taken away from us it was hard to accept it. We have search night and day for them for ten years  yet we lose hope because we couldn't found are too beautiful angels. We missed them so much.

I am now sitting at the head of the table where all my sons are sitting on the side. There were no communication or interaction going on. Just quiet, quietness. No one tried to make conversation. When the girls was here, we used to do so much chitter and chatter. Everyone adored them but with them being taken away, a piece of us were broken.

They were the light to our dark world. We were supposed to protect them, take them from taking to boys, protect them from this evil world. We were supposed to keep that beautiful smile on their faces.

They were innocent little bubbly kids.

My Angels

We miss them so much...

We are now eating after the maids pass us our food. As I was making conversation with my eldest son, I got a phone call.

The boys head all turn towards my direction hearing the sound.

I answered not knowing if it's an important call or not.

"Hello. Am I speaking with Carlos Romano" the person on the other end said.

"Yes this is he, who am I speaking too" I answered

"This is Social Services, Ms. Banks. Ivy and Iris mother and step father were found dead so they are in need of a legal guardian. We took DNA test and found a match that you are there father and I called to asked if you would like to take custody of them.If not, we will put them in foster care." Ms.Banks explained

I was shocked, my children was looking at me curiously. I had a full blown smile on my face that they have been found. Tears welled up in my eyes just knowing my little girls are coming back home.

The twins are alive.

My emotions were all over the place. One minute, I'm happy that they're alive and then the next I'm mad that the bitch took her away from us.

I was wondering so much things.

We're they happy when they was with their mother?

"Mr.Romano, are you still there"

"Yes...Yes I will take custody of them" I replied excited keeping my emotions at ease.


Me and Xavier just landed in New York, getting off the family private jet and then immediately made our way towards the school where the social worker told us where they were.

Once I got to the school. It looked pretty nice, we were now talking to the principle asking him to tell us about them so we can know more

I was more than happy to get more details about them as if I haven't been in there life at all.

What he said about Iris is that she is a sweet little girl. Never got in trouble or did anything wrong. Her grades are kinda in C's and B's.

But apparently, Ivy is the rebellious one. He stated that she had anger issues and how she can be scary. She is calm but once you provoke her, that dark aura comes out of her. He said something good about her being a gifted student. Nice grades and everything but never hardly attends class.

He also told me about her past fights and going to sententious and more stuff.

'We might have to work on that one'

She is definitely going to be a handful. She is an exact copy of Xavier.

I really expected them to be sweet, well one of them is but I guess people changed.

Iris entered on time with a worried looked on her face, she could go for Iris.

And I think Ivy came in five minutes later, she had this dark dangerous aura around her. I'm kind of shock that Iris is happy to see us and she's not.

Why is she like this and Iris is not or the other way around.

She had a blank mask on her face and I'm trying to search for some types of emotions but I wasn't getting any.

After she said she was leaving, I was kind of shocked for a second before I was shake back to earth.

I followed after her along with Xavier and Iris.

The sight in front of me made me feel proud but then again curious on when she learned that. It is blood on her knuckles as I could see.

When did she learn to smoke...

I looked towards my other daughter who looks petrified at the sight.

Ivy walks up to me and Xavier and said, "Don't Ask" before walking off.

I really had so many questions to ask. I'm just now getting my daughters back and don't know anything about them.

Xavier gave me a side look which I returned with a nod before walking off to the car with them traveling behind me and with Xavier holding a terrified Iris.
(Edited 04/12/22)


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