17 | Sparks

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I sorry to tell you guys but this will be the last chapter for this book.

I'm sorry but I just feel like it's not good enough for anyone else to read more chapters
I hope you all could forgive me for what I am about to do
SIKE I'M JUST PLAYING, why would I give up on this book.

Forgive me🥺

(Continue the Story)

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I go towards the sink, washing the blood off my hands.

I mumbled profanity under my breathe, luckily I didn't get blood on my outfit or that would've been a mess.

I'll just leave him right there.

I'm not finna waste my time removing his big ass off the floor.

I grabbed my knife exiting the bathroom seeing a line of girls with a look of frustration on their face.

I quickly walked out towards the bar ordering another drink before I heard a load of girls screaming.

'Looks like they've found the body' I though in my head with a smirk on my face.

I put the hem of the glass on my lips before I felt a presence behind me gripping my waist.

"I don't like the way you just killed my man baby" he whispered huskily in my ear.

I felt chills going through my spine as he ran his hands along my neck, making him get free access.

He leaned down slowly trailing kisses along my neck causing me to slightly moan.

I don't know what this feeling is but I'm loving every moment of it. Any minute I could have stab him or kill him but right now he's doing something to my body.

I don't know whether this is a good thing or bad thing.

"Maybe you should teach your man's not to touch anyone without their permission" I replied before turning around to see who I'm dealing with.

I felt the person hand squeezed tightly on my waist. I slowing looked up before gasping, "Stephan Petrov"

He looked at me surprised before saying, "Maybe we should take this to my office" he said dragging me through the crowd up a set of stairs.

Once in his office, I quickly jab my hand in his stomach before lifting my legs up to kick him but it seems like my plan backfired.

My legs was pulled and I hit the ground with him on top of me.

"I don't think that was very nice of you" he said

"How you gonna tell me what's nice and what's isn't"

"I'm going to explore your body quickly than you can ever imagine" he said

"Who said you're getting anywhere near here" I said

"You are not denying me or consequences will take place"

I rolled my eyes before saying, "Can you please get off of me"

"Gladly since you said please" he said with a cocky smirk on his face which I so badly wanted to slap.

I put a tight smile on my face before getting up, dusting myself off.

Running my hands through my hair because it got tangle up, I could feel his eyes on me.

"Take a picture, it'll last longer" I said to him while he look at me before smiling, shaking his head.

'He does look sexy, sitting in that chair' I thought




"Ivy, yours"

"Stephan Petrov" he said with confident

"You said that too confident in yourself" I said raising my eyebrows.

"I'm dangerous baby" he said meeting my gazed

"And so am I"

"I—" He was going to say something before he was interrupted by a person slamming the door opened.


I quickly pulled out my gun pointing it at the intruder and also Stephan when he stares at me.

The intruder looks like he finna shit his pants.

"Boss, I'm sorry to interrupt you but we have urgent matters that you need to attend" he said panting

I put my gun away

"I'll be down there in a sec" he said before the dude immediately left.

"Don't move" he said before leaving the office

I just shrugged my shoulder...

I wasn't really going to be listening, partying is over for me. I quickly left the office, going down the stairs escaping through the crowd of dancing people.

I make my way out the club going towards the car.

"Someone go grab her" I heard from afar

Assuming it was me, I quickly got in the car driving off speeding down the road.

I stop by a fast food restaurant before ordering an Uber to go home.

(A/N- Just wanted to say something to all of y'all well some. If YOU DO NOT LIKE AGE GAP then leave cause I'm not about read no comments about y'all complaining or it's either getting deleted. Multiple books do age gap and y'all fine with that but it the same as any other book, (A DIFFERENCE BETWEEN AGE) like I said in my bio, 'IF YOU SEE SOMETHING YOU DON'T LIKE....THEN LEAVE)





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