09 | Father & Daughter Moment

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The story my so-called mother gave me was completely different

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The story my so-called mother gave me was completely different.

"Why your not sleep" he ask

"I couldn't sleep" I said with a shrugged

"Come on, I'll show you something" he said walking and I just walk behind him, following.

He went to the workout room before going to an unknown door.

He pushed it opened before walking inside with me traveling after him.

The room look more like a gun room.

Why would he let me in a room like this tho?

I mean I know he in the mafia but most fathers don't want their girls near this type of shit.

"When I'm angry, I used this to help relieve some of my tension" he said before going to a gun picking it up

I walked and pick a gun up too, setting it up making sure the bullets are in.

I went over to one season and put the headphones on before aiming at the white paper with a person body drawing drawn just with lines.

I line up the gun before shooting in the brain.

"Impressive" he says before hitting a button.

I felt a little pride in myself cause I never got to experience a moment like this before.

"I want you to try and hit the moving object in the head" he said curios"

Her father was impressed by her moves but he was also wondering where she learned them from. She seemed like the type that would enjoy this stuff to him because she was exactly like him and he wanted to see how good she was. At least they had something in common, he thought.

As moving object appear, more came out causing me to be a little more quicker.

Once finish, he look at all the paper bodies with a smile on his face.

Although Carlos knew it was dangerous. He wanted to see how skilled she was. He couldn't say Iris would be into this could she just look innocent to him, he thought.

He went over to a shelves and pull out a set of knives. I love working with knives when it comes to my mission because it more slower than a gun. I enjoy the pain others feel.

"Pick 10", he said

He set some in-front of me before putting something on the wall.

I pick exactly ten

My hand gazed and analyzed the knives size, shape, and beauty.  They were sharp at the end top when I put my finger there and ran it along. Maybe I could keep one for me later.

I couldn't say I wasn't enjoying this. I have a love for knives, it's my best skills but of course I'm good in other things too.

"I want you to hit the middle" he said.

Carlos was excited to be doing this with one of his daughters instead of his sons. He's glad that one shows interest in things he like. Iris must be more like her mother, he thought.

My hand position the knife. Father is just staring at space. Wonder what he's thinking about.

I threw the knife towards his head with a smirk on my face.

"What your thinking about, old man" I ask

"Nothing" he said with a smirk on his face before pointing towards the wall.

I understood him before throwing the knife hitting bullseye. I had two left position them in my hand before throwing them.

"That's impressive. Your good with knives" he said

"My sons ain't even folder than you"

I pretend like I didn't know what he was talking about before looking at him with a questioning look.

He stuttered out before saying, "I'm teaching them so they can learn self defense"

If I didn't know hot to read people mind, I would have actually believe that.

I mean some of it might be true since they're in the mafia and all.

"That's enough for now" he said

I nodded agreeing before checking my phone seeing it was 4:49. I've been here for a while.

I followed him out the room.


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Edited April 16,2022



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