04 | Communicating

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Third Person Point of View

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Third Person Point of View

The whole ride to the airport was an intense quietness for them. No one said a word. Dad and Xavier was still calculating how she knew how to fight or did something happen in her past that made her the way she becomes..

"So, how did you like living with your mother" Dad asked.

Iris was in a rush to answer before saying good with a cheerful smile which they smile back. They look over it Ivy wondering if she was going to answer or not which she gave them a shrug on her shoulder in her response.

That angered both Carlos and Xavier. They both want it verbal answers when they're asking someone a question.

Changing the conversation Xavier asked, "What's your favorite color"

"My Favorite color is pink" Iris reply with her bubbly cheer self again which causes Ivy to roll her eyes and her.

"Black" say only given him a short response. She really want to have peace and silence while looking at nature as the car past by trees.

"What are things you like to do" Xavier ask

Ivy got annoyed with them asking question and took out her ear phone, stuff in them in her ear going onto her playlist, clicking on some music.

She really didn't want to be bothered at all. She was not in the mood and plus she thought her twin could have this conversation with them.

Carlos and Xavier look at each other, they did not tolerate the disrespect at all.

"She always been like this" respond Iris

"Why" both of them said in unison

"We-" Ivy could hear through her ear phones cause they weren't turnt up loud enough. One glare at her made her keep quiet.

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