06 | Interrupted Dinner

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(A/N- Guys we hit 2k views on 11/28/2021

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(A/N- Guys we hit 2k views on 11/28/2021. We almost at 3k.)

Knock, knock

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Knock, knock.

I really wasn't doing nothing but laying in my bed picking at my offers on people they want my to kill.

I had already put my clothes in my walk in closet and dresser but the room was alright.

"Come in" I said as a woman poke her head through the door before coming in bowing her head.

"Your father requested you to come downstairs for dinner madam" She said

"Ok but don't call me that stupid name, Ivy is just fine" I said .

"How you end up getting this job" I ask

"I really needed money and I saw this job was paying enough and it's been helping my with my saving and finance" she said as I nodded.

I already knew my way to the kitchen, I just haven't discovered the rest yet. I'll have to looked around, I'm very observing of my surroundings and everything.

I look at myself in the mirror before making my way out my door. I am admiring the unique designs that my eyes travel to. I made it to the middle of the hall and began to descend down the stairs.

I make my way through the double doors and see everyone staring at me. Iris look like she wants to shit her pant which is kinda funny. I hate to admit but they do look intimidating and will make a girl cower in fear.

I spot an empty seat besides Xavier who is at the head of the table with Carlos on the other end.

Victor was on the side by himself with me and Iris is a sitting beside Alex, who is also staring. I took my seat before looking up seeing everyone eyes on me.

"Damn, can I have my face back" I said in a tone looking at each one of them, directing my message towards each and everyone of them.

They all went back to what they was doing. The maids walked in with the plates.

One went over to me with a sneaky grin on her face which made me cautious. I felt something in my guts and not the good feeling. She brought herself towards me and put the bowl with soup in it.

I saw Iris picking up her spoon with soup in it and the maid smiled grew wilder. I looked around at everyone else and Xavier also had a suspicious look.

"Don't eat the fucking soup Iris" I said as I grabbed the maid by her arm twisting it as she yelp in pain before grabbing her head and slamming it down on the table with my knife I got from my waist to her neck.

"You poison the food" I say as I pressed the knife feelers causing blood to drip out the little cut.

"No, I-I didn't" she stuttered

"Ivy, let her go" Carlos said and Xavier just held his finger up at his dad.

I grabbed the spoon with soup in it before it telling her to, "Open your mouth"

"No" she replied

"Open it before I pushed the knife deeper" I said as I pressed the knife deeper causing more blood to spill as she plead for her life.

She opened her mouth hesitantly before opening it.

Once the liquid was in her mouth, I released her neck waiting for the poison to affect, she dropped down with her body over the table and her eyes rolled to the back of her head.

I just looked at her before taking my seat where I've been sitting at.

'They really need to get better staff' I thought before taking a bite into my chicken.

I heard a gasp before looking up seeing everyone staring at me, shock.

I heard a gasp before looking up seeing everyone staring at me, shock

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Edited April 16,2022




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