The FUCK did I just write?!

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The amount of references and cringe in this feels like i got copyrighted.

"Really? Mating Season? Are they some type of animal?" Chichi had to stop herself from laughing knowing goku was probably almost done with the food she ordered for him.

"Well they act like it don't they?" Bulma retorted. She's a scientist not some randomn little rich girl who walks around wearing a pink dress with their name on it. Wait..

"Well you're not wrong there." Chichi agreed.

"And vegeta is the only person to know that much about the dumb shit saiyans go through."

"Yea. ...Wait didn't vegeta have a guidebook on saiyans? Couldn't you see if it's true or if he just made it up because they get horny?"

Bulma's eyes widened. How could she be so blind! He's always reading it! After he finished reading Bulma's entire library, which is about the size of a two story building. He went right back to reading the guidebook!

"Chichi you fucking genius!" Bulma rushed around the room searching for it. He couldn't have purposely hidden it and even if he did this is her house. She knows exactly where everything is.

She couldn't find it.

She walked up to vegeta."Where is your guidebook?" Vegeta pointed at the wall. "Vegeta this isn't the time to joke around I'm being serious!" She almost choked eating her words as vegeta stood up and took the dildo out but didn't drop it. She watched as he walked to the spot he pointed at and opened a thick hidden door. Inside there was a small room, the size of a bathroom. The walls covered in random paints with the paint cans piled up in a corner and a giant bean bag with a ton of books in the other.

She looked back at vegeta, who had switched from riding the pink 7-inch dildo to riding a blue 9-inch vibrator. A blissful expression splattered his face as his cum the floor when he positioned it on his prostate and drooled doing it. She rolled her eyes trying to deny that she actually got horny just watching. She brushed it off as just vegeta's scent.

Which it was.

When a royal saiyan goes into heat the smell they release makes anyone who smells it too long horny.

After she managed to get into the small crawl space she leaned toward her phone.

"Uh chichi. I'm gonna have to call you back."

"Wait don't leave me alone with-"

Loud slam was heard through the phone.

"Chichi I'm done. And guessing on your expression so are you." Bulma couldn't believe that deep voice was goku's.

"Sorry to bother your probably lovely day."

"Not really." Bulma admitted. "Vegeta's been in heat all day and won't stop pleasuring himself. It's like he can't be satisfied." She didn't mean to say it. It just slipped out. Next thing she knew-

"You don't say..." goku growled.

Bulma swung around to see goku standing in front of vegeta.

They were both silent.

Vegeta had stopped pleasuring himself and panting. Goku stopped growling and his voice was as high-pitched as usual.

She slowly made her way over to them. It looked like they were frozen.

Until she noticed it.

They were eye fucking!

Watching eachother closely as their eyes explored eachother's exposed body parts and imagining the parts that weren't. Fantasizing what they wanted to do with eachother. Torturing eachother with pleasure with their eyes.

Vegeta moaned as spurts of cum squrted from his slit and goku groaned at the sight.

Bulma had completely forgot vegeta still had that 9-inch vibrator in him pinned to his prostate.

"Don't worry bulma." Goku said with a subtle smile. "I'll take him off your hands. And don't worry-" His subtle smile twisted into a seductive grin as he faced vegeta again. He took the vibrator out of him and tossed it aside. Vegeta was practically drooling. His mouth gaped and eyes lidded. Goku set his hand on the prince's slacked jaw. "-I'll be sure to satisfy him while we're gone."

He brought two fingers two his forehead and, before bulma could voice her opinion, disappeared.

Bulma blinked.

She sighed. She walked over to where goku tossed the vibrator. She picked it up wondering how vegeta took it so easily considering he was male. She shrugged she was too horny for this.

She was sure it was vegeta's competitive hormones that got her to rinse it off, and shove it up her vigina as vegeta did his ass.

There was no way she'd be bested by a man.

I know this was kinda bad and late but I wrote it! And you read it! So if you're willing to continue for the smutI'll see you in the next chapter my smuty fluffstuffs.

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