Sleep with one eye open...

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Vegeta's body felt... Light for some reason. Other than his stomach area of course, that felt as if he'd eaten rocks. It was so heavy and hot in there.

His eyes fluttered open to be met with that same pattern that seemed oddly familiar along with thick white quilts and sun shine rays through a, halfway closed, curtain. It was a very beautiful sight and was twice as comfortable, it could make anyone feel at home..



He wasn't home. And it was moments later he realized he wasn't alone either.

A muscular arm wrapped around his already full and bruised waist, and he felt a warm breath on the back of his neck. He jerked his head around trying to get a look at the menace, though he already had an idea.

But he couldn't turn his head all the way as he hit something, hard.

"Ow!" Vegeta grit his teeth when he heard the familiar voice.

"'Ow?' 'Ow?' What the fuck do you mean ow!? Why are you in the same bed as me you fucking idiot!!" Vegeta tried to yell but his voice was very raspy and his throat was sore.


"And where the actual FUCK are we?!" Vegeta continued yelling as the door swung open, seemingly silent, and a small figure spoke.

"You're on the lookout loud mouth." Dende said quite annoyed, but also amused.

He watched Goku get knocked out of the bed as Vegeta had thrown a punch at him faster than a bullet. "Vegeta stop hitting me! I'm just as confused as you!" Goku groaned rubbing the spot on his face where Vegeta's fist landed.

"Look, I'm not going to sugar coat it. You two idiots fucked, a lot. Now get your clothes on and leave." Dende was about to leave when Goku spoke again.

"Are you okay dende? Usually your in a good mood but ya seem kinda.. Tired and upset." Goku failed miserably to notice the darkened look on Dende's face.

Oh the audacity of this idiot.

"Well while you two morons were frolicking around in here yesterday Vegeta's deafing screams echoed through the entire lookout. Meaning I got no sleep last night. And then, once you two were done I thought I'd finally be able to get a few hours in. But no, you snore like a cow being slaughtered!" Dende finished angrily.

He smirked all-too-knowingly watching Vegeta's fierce glare on the back of Goku's head grow harsher and harsher. Goku slowly turned to Vegeta with a small, skittish grin,"whoops?"

"'Whoops'? Fucking whoops?! I'll whoops my foot up where the sun don't shine!" With that Vegeta's small body lept at goku, trying to get his hands on anything that would hurt if he pulled on it.

Goku managed to keep Vegeta's hands from any vital things until the older gripped his ear. "Ow Vegeta you're hurting me!"

"Whoops! My bad. How does it feel Kakarot?! Not too good right?!" Vegeta's voice boomed as he tugged harder.

Goku kicked the other saiyan off of him and rubbed his now red ear violently, trying to soothe the stinging, burning sensation. Goku focused his attention back to the other, "what the heck was that for?"

He frowned seeing the prince smirk devilishly and say, "whoops" while laughing.

"Alright you love birds, pack your shi- stuff and leave. I'm pretty sure you're going to have a lot to deal with once you get home." Dende said, turning and strolling to the direction of Capsule Corp, up until the lookout's limit.

He heard the saiyan's footsteps nearing a moment later and turned yet again. "See the two of you soon, and maybe next time I won't walk in on the two of you. Or hear it." He pointed at the two of them, "keep your bedroom stuff at home or be quieter when doing so. Vegeta." He mumbled the last word just noiseless enough that said saiyan could hear.

"Right. Thanks again Dende. Also.. Please don't tell Chichi!" Goku pleaded.

"Only if the next time you come over ya bring me a bottle of sparkling water." Dende said, "it's like if I was getting booze." He clarified, seeing the dumbfounded looks.

"Just go you two." He watched as they jumped and flew off. Dense massaged his temples as he walked away, getting PTSD from the night before. "I wish I could have beer."

As Goku and Vegeta flew to Capsule Corp, Vegeta leaned dangerously close to Goku. "You better fucking sleep with one eye open, cause I'm not done with you yet."

Goku gulped and hoped the prince would forget before the chance to hurt him came up.

Damn, when was the last time I posted on this book? Four months ago? Sorry this took so long to finish and is so short.

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