The Strategy

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Bulma trapped her foot impatiently, as she awaited her husband's arrival on the balcony.

She folded her arms on the table and laid her head atop them, gazing off into the distance.

'Any minute now.. C'mon fucking shouldn't take this long.'

She heard the familiar swish and click of someone landing behind her. Turning her head with a glare she found herself having quite the staring contest with the prince of saiyans.



The couple found themselves interrupted from their stare down as Goku landed on the railing of the balcony.

"Hey guys."

Bulma and Vegeta shared another sideways look at each other before glaring daggers at Goku.

".. G-Guys..?" Goku stammered.

Vegeta cracked his knuckles and neck as he started to make way towards the younger saiyan. Bulma pulled a rope and ki collar from out of her bag underneath the table, as she made her way toward Goku as well.

Once they were close enough, they pounced.

Goku panicked for a moment, frozen in shock. Vegeta took the opportunity to pin Goku to the floor. Right as Goku was about to launch a counterattack he felt something cold and hard click around his neck.

"What are you guys doing?!" Goku wiggled around trying to get out of Vegeta's grasp, as he was lifted off the floor and carried toward the table.

"Hold still, would you!?"

Held him to the chair as Bulma began to tie him up. Goku kicked more as his ankles and and wrists were the first to be tied. It felt as if all his strength had left him, as if it were leg day but for all over his body.

"Just tie his sorry ass up!" Vegeta shouted angrily, before Goku whacked him in the nose with the back of his head.

"I'm trying!" Bulma snapped, reaching around Goku's waist in order to anchor him.

She finished with a tight knot in the middle of Goku's chest. Taking a few steps back to admire her work.

"Done." She breathed, a sigh of relief.

"Okay now let's take him inside." Vegeta said rubbing his nose.

"Uh, no. You're taking him inside. I ain't got that kind muscle." She smiled and walked inside the house.

Vegeta groaned, out of breath, and rolled his eyes. He cautiously got closer to Goku, "if you hit me again I swear to God I'm going to rip your dick off and shove it down your throat!"

Goku relented. A blindfold was tied over his eyes, and he and the chair were taken to a room. Once he heard Bulma and sensed he was in the same room as her energy, he jerked his head to hit Vegeta in the face again. He smiled to himself as he heard Vegeta growl and groan in pain. He yelped as he felt his head being ripped back by his hair.

"You think this is funny?!" He heard Vegeta yell.

"I think this is kinky." Goku snickered to himself.

"I think this is ridiculous. Vegeta, leave him alone, for now." Bulma said calmly, but a little frustrated.

Vegeta's grip tightened as he leaned in closer so that Goku could feel his breath.

"This isn't over.." He yelped as Goku headbutt him again.

He grumbled cuss words and other profanities under his breath as he was called to Bulma's side. Goku listened intently.

For the first few seconds...


"Goku!" Bulma shouted.

Goku jerked to attention.


"Told you he fell asleep." Vegeta muttered.

Bulma jabbed Vegeta's arm with her elbow, and turned to Goku. "Okay, turns out yours and Vegeta's 'mating' thing isn't gonna be over for awhile, so you two are just going to have to be separated for the next two weeks."

Goku did a mental victory dance.



"Afterward, Vegeta's free to kill you."

And there's the catch. He could only hope Vegeta forgot about the situation before then.

"Well then, Vegeta, would you do the honor?"

Goku heard footsteps.

"With pleasure."

Suddenly Goku felt a short, blunt pain in his face before he blacked out.

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