Smut Chapter

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Goku woke in one of the many Capsule Corp guest bedrooms. He rubbed the dull pain on his face.


He laid there for what felt like hours. There was no clock in this room, and there was nothing to do. No one to talk to. Nothing except the low burn in his abdomen, yet he tried to stick to what he was told. He looked out his window, the sun still painfully high in the air, causing him to groan dramatically and roll in the opposite direction of the window.

He let out a deep huff as he tried to stick to the plan. Thinking about it, he realized he'd be in trouble whether he listened or didn't. He suddenly got an idea, a horrible, absolutely stupid idea that would probably get him killed and definitely get him fucked up.

"I wonder what Geta's up to."

If he was going to get his ass kicked might as well make it worth it, so he got his happy ass out of bed, and headed for the door. He slowly cracked the door open, sticking his head out and peering around for any kind of servailance. When he saw nothing, he tip toed down the hall, hiding behind tables and pictures as if he were a low budget ninja.

Finally as soon as he got to the door in question, he slowly opened it.

He blinked, puzzled as he was met with a closet. He looked around, and facepalmed as he realized he went the wrong way.

He did a poor somersault across the floor, bumping his head against a table, "ow." Which caused a flower vase to fall on his head, "ow!"

He groaned as he rubbed his head. He froze as the door in front of him opened, his eyes widened as he saw Vegeta walking out of his room.

Vegeta grimaced as the deep heat slowly returned, although it wasn't as bad as it originally was thanks to a certain someone's inability to keep their dick in their pants, it still annoyed him that he'd be dealing with it again so soon.

It took him a second to register that he had been lifted up from behind and was being pulled backwards back into his room.

"Wha-?!" He snapped his head around, nearly breaking his neck as he kicked and screamed, "what the hell are you doing?! Unhand me! The Prince demands to be released at once!" He shouted, voice echoing through the room.

"Okay" Suddenly he's being tossed onto his bed, landing on his back. He positions himself on his elbows, bending his knees as if to deter the other mae from another attempt.

"What the hell do you want? And why did you drag me in here?" He paused for only a second as memories of earlier that morning and prior to flooded his brain, "After what you did!?" His face was red with fury, seething from his rage and raging hormones.

Being so close to the younger male was driving him insane, just the scent and sheer proximity caused his body to become hot and bothered, unfortunately not going unnoticed by Goku.

"Kakarrot quit looking at me like that!" Vegeta scowled, but his defensive wall was quickly knocked down when a body pressed down against him, pinning his wrists down as lips came down on his.

"You smell weird.." Goku murmured into Vegeta's neck, kissing and sucking along the Royal jawline.

"In a bad way?" Vegeta blurted out, before growling and shaking his head, "Doesn't matter, get out!" He felt a hand place itself firmly between his legs.

Goku moaned quietly into Vegeta's ear, "Geta.. You're twitching... You're so excited.. For what? What do you think I'm gonna do?"

Vegeta found himself half drooling and his lower half trembling. His eyes half lidded and visibly pleading for the best fuck in the history of any planet. He looked away from the other trying to make this as difficult as possible. His entrance and erection emphasizing his arousal.


"What do you want me to do?" Goku whispered in a deep, alluring voice as he lifted his head, staring into Vegeta's eyes with a look of need.

Vegeta only remembered muttering out two words before his heat took over.

"Fuck me."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 20, 2023 ⏰

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