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Before saying this, I want all people to know that I'm not bashing anyone, I'm not disrespecting you and I'm not directing my thoughts towards anyone. Please understand my point and don't think it as a reply to your views.

So, I have heard a lot of people saying this on every social platform that I am on, that "The current Indian team and the former cricketers haven't said anything on the matter and are not extending their support to him."

Okay, first thing, maybe there is a bleak possibility that they are in shock too. Maybe they too, like us,hadn't expected this. I know the chance of this being the case is even less than 0.000000001%, but still, it can be considered a possibility.

Secondly, if they did know about this, and if you calmly think about it, what do you expect them to say? What exactly do we want them to say? Especially now? I mean, if you put yourself in their shoes what would you say?

Thank you Virat for your captaincy, all the best for the future? Which team member can you imagine saying this? Wouldn't it sound like somewhat half hearted for a person with whom you spend at least eleven months a year?

I just think, it is too early for them to say anything. Mind you, he is still the captain. He hasn't stepped down yet! Once the T20 world cup ends, still if they don't extend their support, then I would say that, yes, you are completely right! I don't think it is the right time for them to say anything.

The best they can do and they should do is win the trophy for him. Just like it was done for Sachin in 2011.

As for the part of the former cricketers, that is the portion I completely agree with. Why are only the foreign players extending their support? Why not the Indians? Why are only they praising his captaincy, not Indians?

Why are there rumours of rifts between him and Rohit rising again when it was only last week that the same people were awwing on their hugs?

Why is this country so fickle minded? Why are so many fan wars raging on? Why are Rohit and Virat being blamed? Why can't this country accept any decision without a new drama over it?

Why are people celebrating Virat's decision to step down? Why are people cursing Rohit's captaincy to be poor so Virat can get it back?

Why? Just why?

Again, I say, that this note wasn't against anyone particular. I respect all of your opinions and I just put forward mine. We all consider ourselves the ICT fandom, a family; so let's stick together in these tough times!!

An ICT fan!

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