You and all your bullshit *Cade Cunnigham*

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   It was the first game of the season and she was super anxious she was sitting on the sidelines with some of his closet friends and family

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   It was the first game of the season and she was super anxious she was sitting on the sidelines with some of his closet friends and family. She had all the faith in him but the other team was really good and well if his teammates pulled their weight they could win. But if they didn't well you know. "You talked to him before the game?" His mom asked "Actually no I been busy all day I barely even made the game" that was a lie.
   The truth was they had been arguing for two days straight. So when he came out on the court and glanced directly at her and actually smiled it made her feel warm cause he hadn't smiled at her in days. She was sure he was still mad at her but the fact that she came during an argument made him happy. After all it's the first game of the season he needed his girl there.

*after the game*

She of course beat him home he had talked to his friends and a couple of reporters making him be late. His parents had been staying with them all week so when he finally got home and he saw her in the kitchen in her big t shirt drinking a smoothie he figured they were sleep. He was low key hoping she would be too "They sleep?" He asked her in a gruff voice. "Mhm it took you a while so....  They got tired they were super proud though" he let out a exhausted sigh. Dropping his keys on the kitchen counter. His energy let her know he was annoyed she was too. She continues talking

"Just go to sleep we don't have to do this ... you had a good game your parents are here you tired.... I'm tired just go to bed" She finished her smoothie while trying to reason with him. She understood his day was probably perfect why end the night arguing with her. "the only thing I'm tired of is your mouth and going to bed mad at you" she rolled her eyes "I know that sounded better in your head cause that was wack" she smirked and started to wash her cup out since she was clearly gonna be in here for a while. "it was the truth I don't have some line to make you un mad or make you horny so I can fuck you happy all I got is my truth" he didn't know it but that was the perfect thing to say but she of course had to put up a fight cause she had all reason to be mad and she was tired of making it easy for him. Every time they had these bad fights she would let him off the hook because she was soft but she couldn't continue to get walked over it wouldn't end well.
But he acted as if she constantly walked around with an attitude or always had something sarcastic to say if anything she bit her tongue a lot to keep him happy and to keep them solid. But clearly he didn't appreciate that "what's wrong with my mouth?" "you don't know when to shut it" she rolled her eyes turning around to look at him"I don't have to talk at all....." "see and you wanna do that I'm trying to get us through this" "okay" she said simply "YN" he said sternly "Cade?" She questioned He rolled his eyes. "Do you wanna fix this? You wanna breakup?what you want" he was frustrated he didn't wanna lose her but if it would make her happy he had to consider it. Her heart stopped in her chest of course she didn't wanna break up.

"I want you to get some rest cause you talking reckless and I wanna go to sleep. I don't wanna argue while your parents are in the house. I don't wanna argue at all. I want a sincere apology I want you to give a fuck....breaking up does nothing for me or for you except make us miserable I want us to be back normal that's all I want"  he finally walked closer to her looking down at her. "Maybe I should've been specific how you wanna fix this?" Meaning everything she had just said went in one ear and out the other and that frustrated her more

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