we have to wait *Klay thompson*

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Part three Four years later Kourtney pov

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Part three
Four years later
Kourtney pov.
Klay was finally  on his way back the Warriors  had an away game and I wasn't able to go with him like usual because of work meanwhile  ayesha kept putting videos up on instsgram  I missed klay so much that I found myself watching Draymonds snap chat story hoping I would catch glimpse  of klay ughhhh  were definitely  that annoying couple  I annoy myself sometimes  with it but before I get deep into this you should know what has happened  in the past four years ....so much to tell so little time ......well me and klay are clearly  still going strong we are engaged  and we just recently  moved in together  i have multiple studios around California now and I even went on tour with chris brown me and klay just got another dog his name is Murphy it took a little while but Rocco  warmed up to him me and  klay get married in about three weeks I'm  so excited  and that's all the important  stuff o yea and for the last three months me and klay haven't sex not that we haven't wanted to but we are choosing  to wait until we're married it's been so hard we both have realized the difference in it all like klay shots wayyyyyyyy more points in a game he's also had more fouls and me and him have been getting into arguments  more often I guess we both use sex as a buffer if we feel a situation  about to get heated but now we can't do that well now you're caught up so right now as I sit here and wait on him to finally  get here I know his gonna be a little upset  since they lost the game he feels like it was partially his fault because he was so worried about me and us that he didn't have his head in the game 😂😉 *high school musical refrence  😂😂😂😁😀😊😯..not funny 😯😯😯😯😯okay 😢😢😢*within the next five minutes klay was standing in the door frame staring me down I smiled "hey babe?" "Dam I can't even be mad at myself anymore . .... cause dam" he said the ending softly  I ran up to him hugging him "I missed you daddy" he smirked "you better stop we got three weeks left before I can tear that ass up" "about that . ..um I can't wait three more weeks we should've started  later" he smirked at me "nope were waiting" "you sure about that?" I jumped on him silently  thanking god that he actually caught me I kissed him he finally  walked into the house fully cause we were about to give the neighbors  a show he walked us up stairs  to the bedroom "I missed you babygirl" "i know i missed you to " he laied us down with me on top of him I sat my upper body up straddling him "so just for old times sake .... fuck me" I started ginding on him he chuckled at me and grabbed my hips 
"I've been in this house for 5 minutes  and here you go" he smiled at me "well I figured you didn't wanna talk about the game" "You're right about that Steve basically  cursed me out" "ayesha said Steph was a little out of to and something about some really good sex" I added the last part to be funny he smiled at me "and what did you say after she told you that" "I said it must be nice" klay smirked  at me "well how  bout I hop in the shower and then we go out to dinner?" "Sounds nice" It really didn't I wanted him so bad but I guess I'll have to wait
*after dinner in the car*
I was at the point past being pissed off idk what that it is but that legit was the worse dinner of my life it would've been fine first he acted like it was just gonna be us two but guess what? Ayesha and Steph just "happen to be there" and lowkey I would've just  taken that and kept it  moving but then we get our waitress and she was flirting hard to the point where I had to ask her to stop very nicely if I may add oooo but she didn't she got worse so then I had to curse her out  ayesha  said she would've done the same thing but klay was mad that I would even bring myself down to that level so as soon as we got into the car he was screaming at me telling me I was wrong and that I shouldn't get mad over a innocent  crush and that's he's a NBA player and I should understand  that it comes with the territory but I don't care what he thinks at this point  because if this was vice versa he definitely  would've snapped maybe even fight the guy "You're over emotional you realize this happens a lot.." "klay I swear to god if you don't stop talking to me about all that bullshit I will box you" "who the fuck are you talking to Kourtney" I was a little shocked because he never talked to me like that " YOU KLAY" "this is exactly what I mean about  being crazy and over emotional  did I raise my voice at you" he pulled in the driveway after what seemed  to be the longest car ride of my life "I don't care what you did I felt like screaming SO I DID" he gave me this look that I never seen before and then he got out of the car walking to the front door and unlocking  it and walking right in shutting it behind him " I know this nigga didn't just leave me in the car" he usually  opens the door for me  I rolled my eyes opening the car door grabbing my clutch and shutting the door back I immediately  heard the doors lock ...so he's watching me I get to the door walking inside  I locked it behind me walking upstairs  to our bedroom "Klay?" "In here babe" I went from crazy to babe nah he's up to something  once I reached the bedroom I saw that he had already stripped down for the night all he had on were his briefs I bit my lip I'm so lucky I took my heels off and then my blazer he stood and watch I walked over to him "can you take off my necklace and unzip my dress"  "yea" he unhooked my necklace and then started to unzip my dress letting it slowly fall he started to kiss my back I pushed the rest of my dress down and stepped out of it walking to the other side of the room looking at him he was bitting his lip "fuck waiting for three weeks" I have the upper hand now 😄😄😄 "do you think I'm crazy" he sighed heavily " get over here and ride my dick with your heels on" this no sex thing has him acting crazy "answer the question 😐" "yea but that's why I love you now come here" I bit my lip "I'm so wet" "if I have to get up I'm not going easy on you""we cant" I noticed I was breathing heavily he sighed heavily "no I can't wait 3 weeks........"  I bit my lip pacing back and forth " we ca----" *gco* "get over here" he said through gritted teeth I walked over to him standing right in front of him he kissed my stomach  I let out shaky sigh I placed my hands on his head  rubbing it softly "we can wait for three more weeks" I moaned as he kissed the top of my panties "maybe we fuck this one time and then we wait" "but if it's good I'm not gonna wanna stop" " it's gonna be good"  he started to pull my panties down I took a step back holding my panties "you're teasing me" he smirked at me "I'm not trying to" I bit my lip "you're so sexy" "Klay if we do this .....don't stop" "I won't" I pulled my panties down stepping out of them I stare at his Bonner "take your boxers off" he did so in record time and then he laid down"sit on my face"
Merry Christmas guyssss

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