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"Yey, we finally gonna be in the same house!", Huening shouts in excitement. That literally caught me off guard. "Sorry but what?", I ask him.

"We are going to stay together now Tae. Huhh, I think someone is going to explain it to you what happen and obviously its not going to be me", Soobin says while looking at his phone.

"Dont worry I will", Beomgyu came in the car and sit next to me. Soobin was sitting at the front with the driver and Beomgyu, Huening and I was at the back. 

I can feel Beomgyu's hand around my waist. It's not that I'm complaining. Who the fuck is complaining in this situation if the person who is holding you was CHOI BEOMGYU? Not me obviously.

After what looks like forever, we finally stop in front of a big ass mansion (omg the mansion would really have a big nice a-). What they been working? They lived in a fucking mansion! I was looking so obviously excited that I heard Beomgyu chuckles at me. "Never been to a big house I see"

"Well duhh. What you expect from a poor guy like me?", I was so irritated. Suddenly I can feel the gaps between us been closed.

"You look so hot when you fight back dont you think?", he whisper in my ears. This man really do know what his been doing. 

"OKAY LOVEBIRDS lets go inside before my eyes explode", Huening say annoyed and walk towards the big door.

'My life will be in heaven after this' (Well, keep dreaming Tae we never know what could happen)


This is short and boring I know I'm sorry :( but if you dont mind go read my other taegyu stories :D thanks

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