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Honestly someone needs to help me because idk what I'm doing in this story. Might delete it at the end without even finish it if I dont know where its going to end :/ and this story is so random  lol.



3rd person POV

While they are walking in the living room, Soobin didn't realize that someone's eyes are on him. He plop himself on the sofa while closing his eyes. Suddenly he felt someone was standing in front of him.

He slowly open his eyes and been met by his boyfriend. "JUNNIE!!" he quickly jump up and hug his boyfriend.

"Baby, I'm still dirty you know? I just came back", Yeonjun say but nonetheless still hug his baby back. 

"Well I can care less. BY THE WAY THIS IS TAEHYUN!", Soobin points at Taehyun who was already looking at the two. He was shocked looking at Yeonjun's conditions.

"OH HYE, so you're that boy Beomgyu always talks about! I assume you are boyfriends now huh?". Well that caught Taehyun of guards. 

"Junnie I think he doesn't even knows yet why he is here", Soobin tells Yeonjun with a chuckle and Yeonjun starts to say sorry to Tae. 

"So you wanna go cleanup?", Soobin ask his prey (more like predator) sedductively. Yeonjun looks at him and form a smirk on his lips. 

"Well well looks who is being so brave today", Yeonjun say while closing the gaps between them but Soobin pulls away and starts running to their shared bedroom.

"Forgive them. They really dont know how to respect single people", Huening says while he sets his eyes on Taehyun.


"Tae", Beomgyu calling for him from the dining room. The mention boy was quick to search for the guy who is calling for him. 

"Are you hungry? Do you want to eat something?", Beomgyu ask him while his hand is pulling Taehyun close to his chest.

"U-umm no. I just ate before we got here", He didn't even try to look in the elders eyes because he know he was blushing.

"Good. Now lets go to our room yeah?", without any warning, he pick Taehyun up bridle style and walks upstairs. 

"YAHHH PUT ME DOWN", Taehyun tries to get off but give up. 'Pray for me' Beomgyu keep repeating that phrase in his head.

Beomgyu puts Taehyun on their bed and walks towards the television to take the remote control and set next to Taehyun. After a few minutes Taehyun manage to ask Beomgyu about Yeonjun conditions.

"u-umm hyung", he starts and Beomgyu pause the tv and focus on Taehyun. He hummed in respond to let Taehyun know he can continue. "Is Yeaonjun hyung okay?", he hesitate.

Beomgyu was confused and then something click in his head. 'Shit. Yeonjun hyung must've not known all about this since he is doing a lot of job and barely sits with us' Beomgyu thought to himself before focused back on Taehyun's question. 

"Is this the right time to tell you?", okay not gonna lie but that question makes Taehyun more confused than before. 'What these people hiding from him?'.

"I take you here because I was so mad in love with you Hyunie. We first met at the mall. I mean, I first met you at the mall. Yeah. After that moment past I know you're mine. Well, you will be sooner or later. That's why I told my man to get you there at that place you were living before this. I told him not to hurt you or force you but I want you to be with me. So maybe that's why he made that stupid moves. And if you were curious of why I didn't claim you earlier because on the first day we met you were looking so hurt and broke. So I went to settle some things for you, baby. So did I made it clear to you?", Beomgyu didn't even look away from Taehyun when he was telling him the truth. He smiles at Taehyun's confused but grateful face.

Before Beomgyu can say anything, two arms were already tightly wrap around his neck. "Thank you", even Taehyun didn't say why he said that, Beomgyu already know the answer. He was thankful that Beomgyu take him out from that hell he was living. He loves him, he really do. He never felt like this towards someone. Taehyun is the first to catch his attention. Taehyun was his angle that keep him sane everyday.  He will cherish this boy forever and give him all the love he deserved since their past didn't have any differences at all.

Beomgyu looks at Taehyun who is fast falling asleep in his arms. 'Perfect. So perfect'. Beomgyu say while stroking Taehyun's hair and end up cuddling with Taehyun without turning of the television and the lights. Well, cant blame him Taehyun is so cuddly and comfortable to be with. He didn't even realize that he didn't answer about Yeonjun's situation. Lets just slide it off for awhile. He needs time to process things that is happening in this household. If Taehyun know about Beomgyu and his gang's job maybe he would run away and left Beomgyu. Beomgyu doesn't want that to happen.

'If only you know the truth, bun'

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