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I'm working on my yeonbin ff :) now I have 3 stories to work on haha


Beomgyu's POV

I sit at the table and saw Huening and Soobin told Taehyun to sit between them. Well, well, well. "Tae", I called out for him and he quickly looks at me before he sits down. He was making a questioning face. I told him to come to me and he did. "Sit here", I pat my laps. He looks where I put my hand and holds it. He remove my hand and claim my laps. I look at Soobin's and Huening's reaction. They look kinda surprise. I smirk because I feel satisfied. 

"Good boy's always obeys to their master hmm?", I whisper to his left ear and bite it softly. He close his mouth and looks at me. "What's wrong Taehyun? Is the food taste bad? Or you didn't like it?", Yeonjun ask concern. "N-no no no hyung, it taste great!", he flash his beautiful smile. It makes me smile too. I ruffle his hair to make it look messy and tell him to start eating. He eats what's on my plate and he fed me too.

While we are eating, I move my left hand to his thigh. I stop munching my food and look down. I thought of squeezing it, so I did. "Gyu~", he whines. I look at him, "Yes baby?", I ask like I didn't do anything. "If you keep doing this thing I swear its going to be embarrassing", he whisper softly to me. "Cute. Eat up so we can continue in our room baby", I whisper back at him. I notice the soft pink blush on his face and continue to eat. 

"Tae, go and wait for me in our room mkay?", he nods and walk up stairs to our room. "How's the plan?", I ask my friends. "Doing good. We found where they lived", Soobin answer. "They didn't see to care a lot about him since he was gone", Yeonjun says after. 'Really dont care about your child?' I smile and nod to them. "You guys are doing a great work! Keep it up mkay? I'm going to my boy now. Go take some rest", after I say that, I left the dining room. 

I open the door and saw Taehyun bent down like he was searching something under the bed. "Where is it?", he asks to himself. I didn't utter a word. My eyes are following his back. His butt is sticking up. His legs are separate but his knees are close together. The hoodie his been wearing slips up to his chest. I can see his back and his tone skin. "Got it!", he shouts, gets up and turns around just to be surprise seeing me in front of him. His face is red right now. I step closer to him. "Pretty boy", my right hand holds his face. "Beautiful", my other hand slowly making its way to Taehyun's thigh. "Always makes daddy turn on watching you hm?", and with that, I pull him up by his thighs and drop him on the bed with me hovering over him. He looks so surprise with the action I just made. "I-I just w-want to take the remote", he whisper but I can still hear him clear.

"Looking so sexy when I'm not around?" . "N-no Gyu" . 'Ahh that nickname again' . I look at him and smirk. I move my face to his ear. "You know that nickname cant help you get away right?" . "Gyu~", he calls me teasingly. "You really know how to play around baby. Do you want to be punish?", he shoots his eyes wide open after hearing the word punish. 'Shit' . His eyes starts to tear up. I panicked and quickly pull him up to hug him tight. "Hey hey why are you crying baby? I didn't mean it that way", he holds me tight. So tight like his life depends on me. I think it is. 

"Gyu~ I-I'm sorryyy. I-I didn't mean t-to d-do thatt", he cries on my shoulder. "No no baby I'm sorry I didn't mean it like that I'm sorry", I say trying to comfort him while stroking his back. He didn't stop muttering 'I'm sorry' to my ear. I get so mad. Not that I blame Taehyun for this, but his parents. 'Dont worry baby they will pay for this'.

After Taehyun calms down a bit. I put him down without breaking the hug. I lie down beside him and give him a peck on his forehead, his cheeks, and his nose. He slowly opens his eyes. "What about here Gyu?", he ask while pointing at his lips. I chuckle and close the gaps between us. We share a soft kiss. He breaks the kiss and snuggles to my chest. I hug him and pull the comforter to cover our body. "Wait Tae", I sit up and take off my shirt. I lie back down on my pillow and hugs him. "Why you take off your shirt? You never done that before", he ask and giggles. "I want you to feel me baby. Now sleep. Close your eyes", I say with a smile and closing my eyes. I didn't hear his respond so I thought he is sleeping. But oh he has another plan. I feel his mouth on my chest. Near my nipple. "Tae wha-" , "Shh I'm enjoying myself", I let him do what he wants. I moan when he makes a kitten lick on my nipple. "Baby you have to stop now or I wont let you sleep toni- ahhh~", I moan louder when I feel him sucking on my nipple and pull his head closer to my chest. 

I pull his hair back to separate his mouth with my chest. I then claim his lips. It taste good. I loving this every moment with him. I love him so much. I can't lost him. His mine. Only mine. "Mine", I say between our kiss. He pulls away from the kiss and looks at me. "Y-yours?" 

"Yes Tae only mine" 


eww I suck at writing this kind of scene sorry :>

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