•|Chapter Six|•

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"Just make that part longer and make the main chorus louder." I said tired.

It was pretty late at night because I was helping you to make a song to pitch to your manager,
but it took longer than expected due to random issues occurring. Wifi problems, system crash mainly.

"Hmm okay but it's missing something. What if we had another round of backing vocals? I don't know honestly." You sighed.

The sound of mouse clicking, keyboard noise and the faint music playing through the headphones just made me so sleepy.

I hadn't felt this much fatigue in a while.
I had finally started sleeping more and taking more time off, I spent more time with Seo and we weren't fighting either but I guess I was just deprived of sleep that it's catching up.

Whatever it was I just leaned back and closed my eyes.

"I don't really know maybe add a sample of a similar song like the instrumental." I said yawning.

"Yeah but I want to be original and so does my manger so if I sample a song-"

"It's still original whether you sample or not. It just depends how you use it and how well and different you use it." I cut her off. I look at my clock and see it's already 12:45.

I should call Seo that I'll be home soon since it is kinda late and I usually leave around 12.

I reach for my phone and see that it died so I charge it and wait for it to turn on.

"There's so many samples to choose from....uhhh do you have a song you like in particular that you can think of for this song?" You ask taking off your headphones.

"I can't think of one right now just go through the list of songs in the same genre and I'll help you pick one." I said grabbing my pair of headphones and plugging them in.

Soon another 30 minutes pass by picking a song and us messing with the audio.

I take off the headphone and reach over to my phone remember I had charged it earlier.


2 miss calls: SEO

Hey Yoon when do you think you'll be home? I got off a bit late but we can go for dinner maybe :)

SEO: Are you coming home soon?

SEO: hello?

SEO: I hope you're not working too much.

SEO: I'll be at YOOs Let me know if you want anything.

SEO: there's leftovers on the table I'm going to sleep.

"Hey y/n lets call it a night it's gonna be 2am soon and I should a have left earlier." I said looking at all the messages seo left. I didn't realize my phone was on silent and now I'm screwed.

"Oh man yeah you're right." You looked at your phones time and started getting your things.

"Do you need a ride home?" I open the door to exit the building.

"Oh I'll take the bus" you stretch yawning.

I gave you a second to remember it was 2am and there's no buses at this hour.

"Wait actually yeah." You face palmed. "I would walk but there's a creepy guy on our street and I don't have my pepper spray." You sighed and get in the car.

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