•|Chapter One|•

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I won't be home tonight I have to work late.

Min Yoongi:
I won't be home either.

I turned off my  phone as I sighed and went
back to work.

I continue to write in my notebook to figure out how I want the song to go yet I have no idea what to write.

My notebook is blank.

There are scraps of paper on the floor from torn pages that had been thrown out ideas.

I have no inspiration to write, so I sit here trying to figure out what I can do.

I set down my notebook and pen and look at the small keyboard in front of me.

I press the keys to make somewhat of a tune to a song yet nothing helps.

I hear a knock on my door as I walk over to open it

"Hey hyung," Namjoon stood there on the other side

"What" I answer tiredly not in the mood

"Well me and the guys are heading out to go get something to eat, wanna join?" He smiled

"No thanks I have stuff to work on" I lied

"Hm? Alright I'll be back soon,  Bye" he waved before walked down the hallway to meet up with the other members

"What did he say?"

"He has stuff to do let's just go"

I hear their conversation fade as they walk out closing the door.

I close my door and walk around my studio trying to figure out what to do.

I walk around hear my own foot steps and humming as I'm trying to figure out a beat.

"Why don't you write anything that comes to mind" she giggles

"If I did then it would only be about you" I pinched her cheeks

"Yeah right" she pulls my hands away "come I'll help you figure it out"

"Alright" I chuckle letting her take over on the keyboard

"See that was easy now you have an idea"

"I guess so"

"Awh my little genius" she giggled

I wake up as I had fallen asleep on the couch in my studio and I hear the other members walk in.

"Hey Yoongi we brought you some food!" I hear Hoseok shout followed by Jin's and Taehyung's laughing

I walk out seeing everyone talking and go to the table that had the to-go box from the restaurant they had got me

"I'm home."

"Anything else?"

"Is there a problem"

"No I have to run but I was at your favorite restaurant with a friend and I bought home some left over food if you want some so I gotta go, eat it if you want- bye" she walked passed me on her phone

"Bye." I grabbed the leftover food and opened the bag

"Hyung" I hear jungkooks voice

"What is it?" I look over at him while holding the bag

"I dunno, are you okay you have just been staring at the bag for some time now" he laughed

"No, I'm fine"

"You sure?" Jin asked

I'm not sure if anything at this point

"Yes." I took the bag and walked into my studio and plopped it down on my desk

I'm not in the mood to eat...

I take a pen and just nudge it to the side of my desk as I sit there fiddling with the pen

I stared at my computer screens as I hear nothing but the very faint noises of laughter from the other room

"Yah shut up!" She laughed

"Never" I laughed as well

I spin in my chair

"Why don't you ever listen to me" she yelled

"What is there to listen to! Like hell im going to" I shout

"Oh there you go again, I'm just irrelevant right! Like all I say is shit"

"I don't want to fight again I'm sick and tired of-"

"Oh! Your tired! Guess what min Yoongi?! So. Am. I"

I continue to ponder on what to write yet I keep on blanking on what to do.

The pen always moved so easily and i could just write it all down when she was around, yet now she's here no more and I can't write anymore.

She used to be my light but now she's just darkness that I oh so hate.

This relationship is just a game to her yet I keep on playing no matter now tired I am, I just can't let myself lose.

Can this damn seesaw just end?

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