•|Chapter Two|•

159 11 2

I kept on working but I couldn't write anything

The lyrics didn't make any sense the instrumental is just a mess and I-

"Hey Yoongi" I hear someone opened my door

"What." I turned to see Namjoon

"So the company is doing this thing where we are going to mentor trainees and they want to see if you want to mentor this girl who wants to be a rapper but she wants to meet someone who has had experience so you wanna help her?" He asked

"What about you?" I asked

"Well I am going to do it but I'm mentoring someone else and Hoseok is going to help someone in dance so..."

I sighed "sure..." I said

"Cool they are going to be here tomorrow at 1pm" he said walking out

I sat there turning back to my desk,

I opened the bag that had food they given me.


"Why is your shit always so cold."

"Yet your still eating it so fuck off. If you want something else then go get your own damn food and stop bothering me about your petty shit"

"Why the hell do you get so bitchy so fast?"

"Why the hell do you always have to be an ass all the time"

I closed the box and threw it away

I decided I'm just going to sleep instead of sitting here and not doing anything.

I went to my room that I use more than the one I share with her.

I put on some shorts and a baggy shirt and laid down and closed my eyes.

I slept better with out her.

"Are you not going to sleep here anymore?"

"I'm going to the couch like you said."

"God your so petty"

"Don't even-"

"Don't even what Min Yoongi. Can I not say anything anymore with you getting pissed!"

"You know what I'm not dealing with this tonight just go to sleep."

I opened my eyes and there was the light shining through my window.

"hyung!" I hear a faint voice yell from the outside of my door.

I ruffed my hair before getting up and opened my door.

I walked out and saw everyone at the table fighting over food and dumb stuff

"Yoongi hyung hurry and get something to eat before Jin and Jungkook get to it first." Taehyung said before Jungkook snatched his toast

I saw everyone acting like children

"No I'm fine" I said walking to the kitchen and grabbing a cup of coffee

"So isn't today the day we meet the trainees" jimin said

"Oh yeah we should get ready huh" Hoseok said

"Yeah we should hurry since it's 11:30 and we need to meet them at 1" Jin said

Everyone nodded before getting back to eating and I walked back to my room

I put my cup down as I hear my phone buzz

Do you want to get something to eat at 1?

Min Yoongi:
No I'm going to be busy at 1

Like always but okay.

I just left her on read before changing into a black shirt and a grey and red flannel hoodie that was baggy and black pants and sandals and clean up all my paper scraps and pens and notebooks everywhere

Soon it was 1pm and I hear a knock on my door

I opened my door.

"Hi I'm (y/n)."

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