The Beningning Of The Famous Class1A

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Before reading this cursed chatfic, I would just like to let you know that there will be swearing and some dirty shit going on in the story. SO YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED! And I would love for some epic chatfic ideas, coz my iMaGiNaTiOn is a little rusty. So ideas would be great! Plz enjoy this chatfic from hell, yours truely.

- J -


Chat Groups:
- BakuSquad
- DekuSquad
- EmoSquad
- Class 1A ✔️
- HoboSquad
- ProSquad
- VillainSquad
- TheRichBitches


4:34 pm

Kaminari has created Class-1A and added Kirishima, Mina and 18 others...

Kaminari: SuP fUcKeRs

Midoriya: Uhh, what's this group chat even for? And why out of all people did Kaminari make this group chat to begin with.

Kaminari: I'm going to go hide in a corner and cry now, have fun deiling with the names i'm about to give yail-


Kaminari has changed their name to PikaBitch, and 20 others.

NoDadNoMilk: And this is why I never have milk with cereal...

PikaBITCH: dAmN, that escilated quickly-


PikaBITCH: Oh Bakubro! you made it! honeslty ngl didnt thi nk you would mke it to the ghat

HoboDadsChild: the amount of spelling mistakes in this chat is absolutely ridiculous and it hasnt even been 5 minutes

PikaBITCH: see, now thats what i call TALENT

SaNiC: Im not even going to bother at this point, have a nice day

FantaBoi: WeLp, theres something you dont see everyday-

Alien51: I gotta agree with you there 'FantaBoi'

FantaBoi: I didnt even realise what my name was, best name choice by far

PikaBITCH: Thank you thankyoy

ZukoFromWish: Whos Zuko?

BakaGoBOOM: No one tell IcyHot, if you do your dead

ZukoFromWish: Ill just search it up then.


FantaBoi: ON IT

ZukoFromWish: Why cant i seubijwrj keve vj etbdszirntbkjr ddjbb

ZukoFromWish has gone offline

FantaBoi has gone offline

DaRock: So i guess that was a win?

NoDadNoMilk: I get that he dosnt know who Zuko is, but why cant we tell him?

PikaBITCH: It would just ruin this absolute meme that is soon to be created

NoDadNoMilk: You know what, youve got a fair point there

SugarDaddy: I just back read the conversation of this chat after hearing running and a door being smashed open. What type of conversations do you people come up with? Honestly, teach me please im desperate

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