The Sleepover Of a Lifetime Pt.2

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This is the final part of the sleepover, so enjoy it while it lastsi guess lol-


After texting Shinsoup about their little prank idea, he scrolled through his contacts until he reached 'Invisibiliheehee'

ZiPzAp: Hey so i just spoke to Shinsou over text and we planned to scare everyone, was wondering if u wanted to help out and since were watchig ivisibe man this would literlally be perfect

Invisibiliheehee: OMG YESSS what do u want me to do exactly?? Tell me ur plans!!

ZiPzAp: ok, so when Shinsou gets here he's going to start taping on the window to try and scare everyone, nd i was thinking that you could maybe make a hand print or something on the windo

ZiPzAp: and then slowly slide the windows open to creep them out

Invisibiliheehee: alright, will do sounds easy enough

ZiPzAp: kk now we just got to wait for Shinsou to get his butt over here so we can do this prank




After about 10-15 minutes, Shinsoup texted Kami that he was just around the block. Kaminari then quickly texted Hagakure that he was almost back to the house, and to get into her place.

No one noticed that Hagakure had moved, but then again she was invisible. Suddenly, there was a knock at the door, which was not a part of the plan.

"I'll get it" Kami said, even though no one really cared or noticed, apart from Todoroki of course since it was his house, but didnt do anything but sit there.

Kaminari opened the door, still trying to stay a bit quiet while doing so, but who he saw at the door was NOT who he would have expected...

It was Endeavor. . .

The two looked at each other, it was awkward. The no.1 hero standing right infornt of a UA student, who was blocking the way to his house without even realizing it.

Endeavor just stood there, waiting For him to finally move out of the way, which he soon did. While Endeavor entered the house, Kaminari saw Shinsou standing at the gate with the donuts and drinks in hand.

When Kaminari turned around to walk back to the living room, he saw Todoroki just staring at Endeavor while the fireball just looked mad and didn't ask but ordered Todoroki to follow him to wherever he was taking him.

Shinsou finally got to the door, and decided to just get to the kitchen to put the donuts away and Todorokis half melted Slurpee into the freezer. It was too awkward to talk to Kaminari at the moment, and plus, Todoroki was with Endeavor right now as well.

When Kaminari headed to the living room with the others, with Shinsou behind, he noticed that the TV was paused, and that everyone was pretty much staring right at him. "Who was that?" Momo asked. "Well, I originally thought it was Shinsou, was Endeavor." Kami said. "Well, that must've been awkward." Mina said, sitting up. "Yup, that awkward i couldn't move and was pretty much blocking his way to get into his own house." he said. "Pfft well that just proves that you got scared shitless" Bakugou said.

"Where's Todoroki?" Midoriya asked. "Oh, he walked over to the front door while I was having a staring contest with Endeavor, then he got told to follow him to who knows where." Denki said. "Oh, here's your slurpee by the way." Shinsou said, handing it over to him. "Oh right, thanks bro" "Hey! How come we didn't get slurpees?! Also, what took you so long to begin with??" Mina asked. "Long story short, not enough donuts at the first 7 eleven so i went to the one that was further away, also you bitches literally shot notted me to go by myself" Shinsou said, then slurping his slurpee in front of them just to piss them off with, which Kami gladly joined in on as well.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Apr 20, 2022 ⏰

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